101 Steps Towards 1000 True Fans, A Must Read Guide For Musicians!
Have you ever heard of Kevin Kelly's 1000 true fans theory? If not you can see it here. The theory basically says that if you have 1000 dedicated fans, you can make a living from any type of artistic venture. In your case, music.
Now personally, while possible, I think even gaining 1000 dedicated fans is quite a big task. So to make things that bit more manageable, I suggest you aim to start out getting 100 true fans. Fans who will buy all the songs you release and possibly merch that you make. Fans who will spread the word about you, share your social updates, and come to see you at shows. This is what the true fan theory is all about; identifying, building and keeping happy that extremely loyal section of your fanbase.
The thing though, if often it's down to you to create these true fans. Often they don't just hear a song of yours and all of a sudden are loyal to the end. You need to build a ongoing relationship with them, a friendship if you will. These are what the following 101 tips will help you do.
Important: Please note though that the below are quick ideas you can browse and pick which to do. If however you want a much more detailed guide with a step by step plan on how to get fans and market your music, you'll want to look at our more advanced training for musicians. A must read if you want to stand out from the other musicians in your genre.
Important: You can now download a free PDF ebook version of the first 60 tips by using one of the social buttons below:
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So, let's get into it. Here are 101 things you can do to help you get your first 100 true fans. Remember, you should also head over to Praverb.net to see more great tips like this.
- Give a fan a personal call.
- Have a fan of the week and celebrate them with your audience.
- Take a fan and have an interview with them.
- Get a fan to announce your new song via Twitter.
- If their on Facebook, have them share your song first on there.
- When a fan orders a physical CD, give an extra one free for their friend.
- Let a fan release your video on their YouTube channel.
- Pick a fan to receive a USB stick with all your material on it.
- Take a fan to go and see a film.
- If your fan does graphic design, let them make some of your artwork.
- Let a fan crease a music video for you. This could be a text one of a normal one.
- Send your fans personal messages via Vine.
- Buy a iTunes voucher and give it to a fan.
- Run competitions for prizes fans want.
- If you have music related equipment you don't need anymore, auction it off to fans. It's win win for you both as you can get new gear.
- Give a fan a personal coupon.
- Got old shoes? Sign the bottom and give fans a piece of your sole. 😉
- Email a fan randomly with a personal email.
- If it's their birthday, send your fan a personalized digital card.
- Send a motivational postcard to a fan.
- Bring a fan back a souvenir while on holiday.
- Use Soundcloud to send a fan a personal message you've recorded.
- Allow a fan to share your view video via Twitter.
- Have a one of special piece of merch made for a fan.
- Send a lyric book to a fan, just be sure to sign it.
- If your fan likes puzzles, send one to them.
- Find out what kind of shops they like, then send a fan a $10 voucher for one.
- Make a music video consisting of fan photos.
- Invites a few fans to come and play board games with you.
- Tell a fan you want to make a joint piece of art with them.
- If a fan likes cooking, swap your best recipes with them.
- Have word savvy fans? Have one of them write a press release for you.
- Hand write a letter to a fan.
- Allow a fan to announce your new video on Facebook first.
- Prefer Skype to calling? Video call a fan for a quick talk.
- Use Google Hangouts to connected with a few fans personally.
- Follow a fans on their social networking sites of choice and say hi.
- Create a a personal birthday song for a fan.
- If a fan's graduating, customize a song just for them.
- Personally congratulate a fan if they're getting married.
- Get dinner for a fan.
- Give a fan personal non music related advice.
- Is a fan not well? Send them a get well soon card.
- Naturally put your fan's name in your next release.
- Challenge a fan to some friendly and fun competition.
- Draw a picture of a fan and send it to them.
- Play Noughts And Crosses (Tic Tac Toe) with a fan via air mail.
- Create a word search based around you and your music and send it to fans.
- Run a caption competition. Give fans a picture, and tell them the one who creates the best caption wins.
- When a fan orders an album, send a couple blank CDs too. Encourage them to make and give them to friends.
- Get fans involved in your street team.
- Use Twitter to share useful links to fans.
- Send a bunch of stickers to your fans to put up / give out.
- Give a fan a free t-shirt you made.
- Get a fan's idea for your new merchandise.
- Do a live house gig for a fan.
- After a show, get something to eat with a fan (or fans).
- On X Box Live? Connect with a fan and play them.
- Interview your fan.
- Reply to fan comments and emails promptly.
Ok, so on to the final 41 tips to really set you on the way to 1000 true music fans!
- Provide donuts for a radio station (this works if you have a radio interview).
- Provide refreshments and snacks for the sound crew before a show.
- Hand a customized Thank You card to the sound engineer following a show.
- Invite a fan to a BBQ.
- Invite a fan to a video shoot.
- Disperse five disposable cameras to five lucky fans before a show, encourage them them print the pictures and tag you in them.
- Let a fan organize your setlist.
- Create and send magnets to a fan.
- Premier songs to a fan via Ustream.
- Start a Kickstarter campaign.
- Send download cards to a fan.
- Invite a fan to join you for Karaoke night.
- Invite a fan to volunteer with you at a specific location.
- Buy a fan breakfast, lunch or dinner.
- Invite a fan to go bowling with you.
- Encourage a fan to send you pictures of his/her favorite album or song (share these via Social Media sites).
- Invite a fan to join your weight loss/gain club.
- Start a book club and invite a fan to join, hold monthly meetings.
- Buy a book for a fan to help them achieve a goal.
- Give away a book that you have read to a fan.
- Encourage a fan to share his or her dreams with you.
- Invite a fan to a Super Bowl party at a public location.
- Invite a fan to accompany you to a sporting event.
- Host a poker tournament at your house.
- Host a card tournament at your house.
- Mentor up and coming artists.
- Break down your lyrics for international fans.
- Teach a fan how to write song lyrics.
- Invite a fan to participate in your organized charity event.
- Provide feedback to a fan.
- Promote a fan's ideas to your network.
- Setup a speed dating event for your fans.
- Send a Starbucks gift card to a fan.
- Make a fan the head of your Street Team or Online Street Team.
- Invite a fan to go vinyl shopping with you.
- Invite a fan to scout music video locations with you.
- Invite your fans to share jokes and post the best ones via Social Media.
- Invite a fan to create your music website.
- Ask open ended questions to your fans to facilitate communication.
- Be transparent to your fans, the transparency can create talking points and establish connectivity based on the presented emotion.
- Be yourself (this is the most important quality to gain and sustain fans)
There you go, 101 things you can go to gain your first 100 true fans. Build a connection with people, and show them you're more than just another musicians. Show them you're someone they can connect with. If you want much more advanced training for marketing your music and getting those first 1000 true fans, you'll want to check out The IMA Music Business Academy. A must for any musician wanting to learn the music business and progress their music career faster.
If you want more top tips like this, head over to my site Praverb.net now.
Thank you for taking the time to read this list. If you find this content valuable please share this post via Twitter, Facebook, Google +, email, and other social media sites. I count on YOU to help spread the word, I know that I can't do this by myself. Share this post with your friends who are managers, emcees, singers, rock musicians, fiddlers, beatmakers, Djs, A&R's, publicists, etc.
P.S. Remember though, none of what you've learned will matter if you don't know how to get your music out there and earn from it. Want to learn how to do that? Then get our free ‘5 Steps To Profitable Youtube Music Career' ebook emailed directly to you!
Thanks bro I learnt something today the one which says ” Be yourself (this is the most important quality to gain and sustain fans)” this will help me… Salute to Praverb
Agreed, thanks again Praverb for contributing. 🙂