Rap Name Generator
If you want ideas for a new rap name, simply use our rap name generator below. Click the ‘Generate My Rap Name' button and we'll show some name suggestions each time you do.
How To Come Up With A Rap Name Using This Rap Name Generator
Creating your own rap name couldn't be easier.
Simply click the above ‘Generate My Rap Name' button and we'll give you a new one.
From here you can either choose to use it, or you can click the button again to get another idea.
Not all rap names you create will be suitable for you, but click enough and you're sure to find an awesome one you like.
That’s how to make a rap name fast.
Cool And Creative Rap Name Ideas
If you don’t want to use the above random rap name generator, below are some rap name ideas you can use.
Suitable for males and females:
- Greezy Trillion
- Muscled dukes
- Scamazon Tinee
- Old Man ‘First Letter Of Your Last Name’
- Big 4
- Mama Made 2 Gangster
- Coco Paper
- Holy ‘First Letter Of Your Last Name’
- Hats Down East
- Leo Drinkz
- Viral Dimes
- Dirty Thrones
- Platinum G
- Certi Cream
- Gappy 9
- Coco Gold
- Evergreen Smith
- Three Time Son
- Clean The Stunter
Can I Keep The Hip Hop Name I Generate?
While we encourage you to use any name you find here if it's not already taken, be sure to do a check and see that no other rapper is already using it.
As these names are generated randomly, at some stage it might generate the name of an existing rapper or hip-hop artist.
My advice is to get 3 – 5 names you like and could use, then do a Google search to see which names are free to use.
From there, pick your final name as long as it’s unused.
Don't forget, you could always modify the names given here if you like the suggestion but feel it could be better if changed a bit.
What Kind Of Rap Names Can I Make?
This generator is suitable for any sub-genre of hip hop.
For example:
- A trap name.
- A drill name.
- A grime name.
- A chopper name.
- A breakbeat name.
- A Christian hip hop name.
- A crunk name.
- And any other type of rap name can be made; it even works if you’re a Soundcloud rapper.
Random Rap Name Generator Conclusion
So that’s how to find your catchy rapper name, I hope you found this music tool useful.
If it has, please share it with friends and other rappers so they can stop wondering ‘what is my rapper name?’. 🙂
Furthermore, let us know in the comments; what rap name did you generate?
Note: Looking To Make A Band Name?
If you also want to create a band name, check out our band name generator here.
You can see all our tools for musicians here.