Huge: How To Triple CD Sales At Your Next Gig And More (Audio Guide)
Hey guys, this is another guide aiming to make you more money from your music career! Today I've got some really top advice for you from a friend of mine Ches Christian. Ches is a musician who's managed to make a full time living from his music, and he's agreed to share with you a lot of the knowledge he's gained along the way. We both hope this can help you also earn more from your music career, and edge you further towards a healthy music related income. With that in mind, let's get into it.
Below is a free audio lesson on how you can triple (or more) the amount of CDs you sell at your next gig. Now before you think you've heard it all before or you think CD sales are dead, believe me, you'd be wrong on both accounts!
In this free audio guide, Ches is going to show you a few things:
- Why CDs still sell as well as ever when it comes to gigs.
- How you can use the gig vibe to substantially increase the amount of money you make from CD sales (building on this guide).
- How you can make money at gigs, even if you're not performing.
- How to use other acts and make money from their performances.
- And much more.
This is a preview of Module 2 in the forth coming Music Full Time audio training course. The course is due to be released this Monday (the 7th of October 2013), but be sure to get on the waiting list for your chance to exclusively get it earlier and to get a free ebook / short report on the subject.
So, ready to greatly increase the amount of money you make from CD selling at gigs? Then either:
- Listen via Soundcloud below, or
- Below that download the audio file to your computer / smartphone and listen to it wherever you want.
To download this audio file:
>'Right click' and ‘save link as' to download this file and listen wherever <
Be sure to subscribe to my Soundcloud page. Remember, the above is only around one 15th of our Full Time Musician course (FTM), there's still a lot more to go. 😉
If you found it useful and want to hear more great money making ideas like this, be sure to get on this list as I'll be emailing people on there when it's first out. Furthermore, I'll be giving a big discount to the people on that list for the first 24 hours.
So if you're serious about making a living from your music, you'll want to pick this course up.
I'll only be opening FTM for 5 days before I close the doors again, so be sure to get it before it closes. I hope you've enjoyed the above guide, I'll give you more great income generating ideas again soon. 🙂
By the way, you can also get more tips on improving your gigging efforts here. Those tips will help you better prepare for gigs, which will lead to better performances and in turn more CD sales.
P.S. Remember though, none of what you've learned will matter if you don't know how to get your music out there and earn from it. Want to learn how to do that? Then get our free ‘5 Steps To Profitable Youtube Music Career' ebook emailed directly to you!
It was worth sharing so I shared it
I just listened to the audio. I would have never conceived on this process to sell cds. I have a concert this Saturday but I’ll be selling my cds that have been already recorded. Thanks for this new concept, it’s very original indeed…
You’re welcome Mark, I hope it goes well for you. Good luck at your concert this Saturday. 🙂