30 Day Singer Review 2025 [Free Trial], Pros & Cons

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30 Day Singer Review

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Looking for online singing lessons that'll help improve your voice? Well my review of the 30 Day Singer training (I've secured you a 14 day free trial) will help you decide if it's the right option for you. For those in a rush though, what do I think of these lessons?

30 Day Singer contains high quality online singing lessons from professional singers. If you want to greatly improve your voice fast from the comfort of your own home, without having to spend a lot on 1 on 1 singing lessons, I highly recommend these lessons for you.

You can join 30 Days Singer via the above exclusive link, or read on for more details. In this hands-on review we’ll be looking at what you get when you sign up and how these singing lessons can help you improve your voice.

Who Are The 30 Day Singer Instructors?

Getting a top-quality singing instructor is very important, as if your singing teachers aren't good, they'll likely struggle to help you improve your voice.

That's why we're starting here, with the teachers.

As you can see below, 30 Day singer provides you with the best singing teachers to make you become a better singer.

In this section, we’ll take some time to get to know each instructor a little better.

Main Singing Teacher: Camille Van Niekerk

Camille handles most of the lessons on the site and could easily be considered the “face” of 30 Day Singer.

She works as a singer, writer, and vocal instructor in Southern California. She started learning at the age of seven, studied classical voice with Rebecca Genzink and jazz voice with Kristin Korb and John Proulx. After teaching classroom choral and instrumental music, she started a private vocal studio, which basically brings us up to date.

Jonathan Estabrooks

Jonathan Estabrooks is an award-winning performer and Julliard alum. He’s performed at Carnegie Hall, Kennedy Center, appearing with various orchestras and Broadway stars. He’s also got a decent sized following on YouTube.


London based Israeli American duo O&O is made up of multi-instrumentalist and vocalist Obadiah Jones, as well as Israeli vocalist Orian Peled. They have multiple releases to their name and have performed at some notable festivals too.

Jon Statham

Jon Statham has learned to sing and play in a variety of styles and has worked on the soundtrack for The Utopian Society. He's also worked with Rod Stewart (The Greatest American Songbook III), and June Carter Cash.

Reagan James

Reagan James is an award-winning R&B singer-songwriter who became a top 10 artist on The Voice.

Mark Mekailian

Mark Mekailian is a pupil of Grammy award winning artists Patrice Rushen and Michael Bodicker, in addition to vocal coach Jeffrey Allen. He’s performed with noted celebrities like Josh Groban.

Abram Poliakoff

Abram Poliakoff is the Associate Artistic Director and tenor in the LA Choral Lab. He teaches and performs in a wide range of genres.

So now you know some of the tutors in the membership, but what will you actually be learning?

Well, without further ado, let's get into the courses.

A Look At The 30 Day Singer Lessons & Resources

Lessons for vocalists

The membership gives you access to:

  • Beginner Courses,
  • Advanced Courses,
  • Singing Tricks & Techniques,
  • Warm-Ups & Vocal Health,
  • A forum,
  • The ability to book live lessons with Camille van Niekerk and Abram Poliakoff specifically.

Here, we will be covering everything we possibly can about the courses offered.

The Content

Having identified the different categories of courses available, why don’t we look inside each?

Beginner Singing Lessons

There are three courses under this umbrella.

They are:

  • 30 Day Beginner Course with Camille.
  • 30 Day Beginner Course with Jonathan Estabrooks.
  • 30 Day Singer Course for Beginners with Jon Statham.

Camille’s 30 Day Beginner Course is organized into a series of lessons to be done over the course of 30 days.

The lessons include warm-up routines, healthy vocal technique, posture, breathing, cord compression, chest voice, head voice, belting, vocal fry, falsetto, mix voice, performance, and more.

Jonathan’s 30 Day Beginner Course covers a lot of the same ground, though there are also some interesting lessons about frequently asked questions, phrasing and style, confidence and nerves, performance, growing as an artist, and so on.

Finally, Jon’s 30 Day Singer Course covers other great beginner oriented topics like finding your vocal range, major scales and triads, major vs. minor, singing and strumming rhythms, adding vibrato, ascending and descending arpeggios, swing rhythms, finding the relative minor, and the like.

Each course either complements or builds on the other, allowing you to develop your technique at a manageable pace.

Advanced Singing Lessons

As you’ve already seen, 30 Day Singer has got a great deal to offer in terms of beginner courses. But things pick up in a big way in the advanced courses section.

Here, you’ll get access to:

  • How To Sing Like A Pop Star.
  • Runs and Embellishments.
  • Perform Like a Pro.
  • Singing Style of Your Favorite Female Artists.
  • Singing in the Style of Your Favorite Male Singers.
  • Classical Singing.
  • How to Sing Country.
  • Intro to R&B.
  • How to Sing in a Group (A Cappella).
  • How to Gradually Sing Lower.
  • How to Gradually Sing Higher.
  • How to Belt.
  • Christmas Songs.
  • How to Sing Pop.
  • How to Sing (Any Song) in Your Signature Style.
  • Perform Like a Pro with Abram.
  • How to Sing and Play Piano at the Same Time.
  • How to Sing and Play Guitar/Ukulele at the Same Time.

We simply don’t have the space to describe and define every course in detail, though the titles should give you a good sense of what each of them make available.

The breadth and depth of lessons offered is impressive to say the least. While you could benefit from taking all of them, it’s at this point that you would likely decide on a focus and pursue individual results.

For example, if you’re interested in getting into pop, you would take the course on singing like a pop star. If you want to accompany yourself on an instrument, you should take the course on playing piano and signing or playing guitar/ukulele while singing. If you want to sing R&B style, there’s a course for that.

The advanced singing courses come with five lessons each, sometimes more.

Online Singing Lessons: Master Essential Techniques

While tricks and techniques are also covered in the beginner and advanced sections, those looking to go deeper into specific skills should get a lot of value out of the singing tricks and techniques section of the membership.

In Master Essential Techniques, you get access to:

  • Key to Perfect Pitch and Intonation.
  • Steps To Better Phrasing.
  • Mastering Vibrato.
  • Getting Better Tone.
  • Healthy and Strong Belting.
  • Finding Your Breath.
  • Introduction to Harmonizing.
  • Breath Control Like A Pro.
  • Pitch & Intonation.
  • How to Sing Vibrato Part 2.
  • Range Extension.
  • All About Tone.
  • Foundations of Vibrato.
  • Foundations of Vibrato Part 2.

Again, the course titles give you a good sense of what you can accomplish in each.

Take “Range Extension” for example. This module is all about helping you learn to sing more notes confidently and comfortably (both low and high).

This is something many singers want to be able to do, as they will often find some of their favorite songs a little out of reach (too low, too high, or just not in a comfortable range).

As with Advanced Singing Lessons, most modules found here come with five lessons each.

Vocal Warmup & Health

The human voice can be a delicate thing. In addition to singing with proper technique, the right habits (and avoiding bad singing habits), maintenance, and rest are crucial to ensuring vocal health.

This section contains the following modules:

  • Advanced Warmups.
  • Beginner Warmups.
  • Performance Warmups.
  • Daily Warmups.
  • Avoiding Bad Vocal Technique.
  • Removing Vocal Strain.
  • Daily Routine Practice Plan for Beginner Singers.
  • Daily Routine Practice Plan for Intermediate/Advanced Singers.
  • Daily Practice Routine for Beginners.
  • Practice Routine for Better Intonation (Singers Who Struggle with Pitch).
  • Low Voice Daily Routine.
  • Intro to Vocal Registers.
  • Daily Practice Routine for Sopranos.
  • Daily Practice Routine for Altos.
  • Performance Warmups with Abram.
  • Daily Routine: Essentials.
  • Daily Warmup Routine for Professional Singers.

Again, once you’ve covered beginner course content, you’ll probably begin taking courses that are most suited to you. Several of the courses found here would be useful to most if not all singers, but something like “Daily Practice Routine for Sopranos” will only be beneficial to sopranos.

Here, too, we find each module contains an average of five lessons.

How The 30 Day Singer Lessons Are Delivered

Online courses for singers

The content is delivered primarily with video.

Each lesson comes with a textual description and links to other lessons, but aside from that, lesson content is relatively sparse.

The videos do most of the heavy lifting, and it’s clear they are professionally filmed and edited for maximum impact.

It also looks like they’ve kept backgrounds minimal to ensure you aren’t distracted by anything extraneous.

Note that the lesson videos begin playing automatically when you open them, but you will need to un-mute them to be able to hear them.

Membership Navigation

The lessons are easy to navigate and are instantly accessible.

You don’t need to go through a specific group or order of lessons to unlock the next.

To that extent, what you get out of each lesson will be entirely up to you.

Skipping around might be tempting and even fun but can be detrimental to your progress.

Singing, as with any skill, is all about building upon each lesson, so taking it one lesson at a time, in the recommended order, will help you get the best results.

How Much Training Is Available?

A lot. Far more than you might expect going in.

The beginner courses alone contain a total of 90 lessons (3 courses x 30 lessons each = 90 lessons).

The advanced courses each come with at least five lessons, so you’re also looking at over 90 lessons total (18 courses x 5 lessons each = 90 lessons).

Similarly, the essential techniques give you access to about 70 lessons, and the vocal warmups and health section has at least 85 lessons altogether.

There would be no reason to take all the courses, regardless of your pursuit as a singer, because some of the content is tailored to specific genres or singing styles. But you would get a lot of mileage out of the program regardless.

Free 30 Day Singer Lesson Preview

Wondering what you can expect to learn on the inside?

Here we look at a few lesson and what they help you accomplish.

While it's not in video format like you get when you join, I hope you enjoy the free preview.

Part 1: Balance Your Breath & Line Up Your Cords

This lesson introduces you to three warmups you can use to help you manage your breath and line up your cords.

Breathing is a crucial part of singing well, and it’s important to know when to take breaths and how to ensure you’ve got the right amount of oxygen for delivering different lines.

That’s what this course helps you improve from top to bottom. This lesson is focused specifically on lip trills, singing “MUM” and a long-line agility pattern on an “NG”.

Basically, Camille takes you through three exercises in this lesson.

High Energy Rock Star Bending Like David Lee Roth

Improve your voice

From the “Singing in the Style of Your Favorite Male Singers” course, this lesson focuses specifically on the bluesy bends of David Lee Roth, Van Halen’s first and most prominent singer.

Instructor Jon Statham explains that at the foundation of Roth’s singing style is the blues, and in this lesson, the first thing Statham has you do is sing the blues scale. Then he shows you how to bend the notes in the blues scale.

If you understand the musical concept, it’s not a challenging lesson by any means. But it can put some flesh on the bones.

In other words, even if you “intuitively” understood the concept going in, putting some knowledge behind it can help you be more deliberate about using the technique at the right times.

Part 3 – O Holy Night

From the “Christmas Songs” course, this lesson via Camille is just as it sounds – it helps you learn the Christmas favorite, “O Holy Night”.

This song happens to be one of the most challenging and dynamic Christmas songs, because it is typically performed with a lot of power and emotion.

In this lesson, Camille offers some specific tips on how to conquer this Christmas classic.

What Is The 30 Day Singer User Experience Like?

I think the best way to describe the user experience is that’s simple, clean, basic, and professional. Some effort has gone into presentation to be sure, but not so much so that your eyes are drawn to visual elements unnecessarily.

The videos, likewise, are professionally lit, filmed, and edited, and feature good audio. But the backgrounds are simple. I imagine this is a deliberate choice.

In evaluating the user experience, we’ll take a closer look at a couple more elements. Let’s get into it.

Ease Of Navigation

The membership site is easy to navigate and it’s unlikely you’ll ever get lost.

The one thing I would have liked to have seen is some indication of what course I’m taking. Once inside, I only see the lesson titles and not the course titles. “Back” buttons would also be helpful, but I find myself having to use the browser ones.

So, with some slight tweaks, I would give the navigation a perfect score, but it’s very usable as is.

Is Progress Saving Available?

No. Then again, I can’t imagine you would need it. Lessons are clearly marked, and if you follow them in the order presented, you shouldn’t get lost.

One thing to note is that if you logged out of the course on your computer, or had to login again for whatever reason, you might lose your place. It might be a wise idea to start a practice journal and take notes in it.

30 Day Singer Price

30 Day Singer Price

Ok, so let's talk the cost of making your voice much better.

There's no upfront cost to 30 Day Singer, which encourages you to sign up for your 14-day free trial account.

Basic Access, however, will only give you admission to free preview lessons, and to take advantage of everything they have to offer, you will need to become a member of their subscription program.

After the free trial the price is as follows:

$29.95 per month.30 Day Singer monthly membershipRebills each month unless you cancel.
$129 per year.30 Day Singer annual membership (yearly)Works out to be $10.75 per month, saving you $230 per year over monthly option.
Rebills each year unless you cancel.

So that's how much 30 Day Singer costs.

30 Day Singer Cost UK

If you’re from the UK, when you buy a 30 Day Singer membership, the price will convert into GBP for you. While the exact amount you pay will be based on the exchange rate when you sign up, if you take a 0.75 exchange rate (where $1 = £0.75) here are your estimated prices.

Here are the prices if you decide to stay on after the 14 day free trial:

£22.47 per month.*30 Day Singer monthly membershipRebills each month unless you cancel.
£96.75 per year.*30 Day Singer annual membership (yearly)Works out to be £8.06 per month, saving you £172.50 per year over monthly option.
Rebills each year unless you cancel.

* Important note: this final price can change from day to day depending on the exchange rate, but it should be around this.

It’s important to note that these 30 Day Singer UK costs don’t include VAT. That’s likely because 30 Day Singer isn’t a UK company, so it’s outside of their scope.

What Is 30 Day Singer?

Become a better singer in 30 days

While we're close to wrapping up this review, I want to take a step back and have a high-level view of what 30 Day Singer really is.

30 Day Singer is a membership website home to various courses for vocalists, as well as a blog covering topics important to singers.

Aside from that, they have a relatively minimalist website with boilerplate pages like Support, Terms Of Service, Privacy Policy, and Affiliate Program.

Getting back to courses, the main subject of this review, they offer Beginner Courses, Advanced Courses, Singing Tricks & Techniques, as well as Warm-Ups & Vocal Health. This is mostly what we’ll be delving into for the duration of this review.

In addition, members have access to a forum and can also book a live session with one of the instructors.

Their instructors, by the way, include Camille van Niekerk (the main instructor for 30 Day Singer), Jonathan Estabrooks, O&O (comprised of Obadiah Jones and Orian Peled), Jon Statham, Reagan James, Mark Mekailian, and Abram Poliakoff.

We've already looked at the personalities, so you can get a better sense of who the instructors are, their expertise, and what they have to offer.

What Does The Membership Help You Achieve?

30 Day Singer vocal instructors

As the name would suggest, 30 Day Singer aims to help you become a better singer in just 30 days.

This isn’t to suggest that you will somehow become a pro overnight, and that’s not what they’re promising either.

But with proper guidance and education, it’s certainly possible to become a better singer in 30 days, and I’m speaking from experience.

It will require a commitment on your part, though.

Interestingly, 30 Day Singer does offer a 30-day money back guarantee if you don’t see results in 30 days.

The lessons promise to be easy, fast, and fun, which is great for people who already feel crunched for time and aren't sure whether they have enough time and energy to dedicate to developing their voice.

The sales video begins by explaining that there are many myths connected to becoming a great singer, which is certainly true. By taking advantage of their membership, you can get access to the right information and fast track your progress.

Another promise of the membership is that you can learn on your own time, at your own convenience. In these uncertain times, this has become an even more attractive proposition.

30 Day Singer also promises some of the easiest vocal lessons you can find, which is good news for everyone who doesn’t know much about singing or music in general.

They do have lessons on advanced techniques too, however, for those who already have a firm grasp of the basics and want to take their skills beyond.

30 Day Singer Review – The Verdict

30 Day Singer Honest Thoughts

With the amount of material available, there’s no way you could possibly go wrong with 30 Day Singer.

The beginner courses are thorough and give you everything you need to improve your singing in just 30 days. As already noted, this doesn’t mean you’d become a pro by the end of those 30 days though. It takes longer than a week to greatly improve.

Regardless of the path you’ve chosen for yourself, the Advanced Courses, Singing Tricks & Techniques, and Warm-Ups & Vocal Health section help you develop your voice and techniques beyond the beginner level. This material could carry you for a long time to come and revisiting it periodically would have some benefits too.

30 Day Singer doesn’t quite have everything. But there is nothing they haven’t at least given a surface level look at. The membership is totally worth it.

P.S. Remember though, none of what you've learned will matter if you don't know how to get your music out there and earn from it. Want to learn how to do that? Then get our free ‘5 Steps To Profitable Youtube Music Career' ebook emailed directly to you!

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