How To Get More Likes On Your Facebook Music Page

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How To Get More Likes On Your Facebook Music PageWe must face facts – getting likes for your Facebook page is getting tougher by the minute. Everybody can promote anything on social networks, and many are.

And while getting a new page off the ground might not be easy, this does not mean that it’s impossible. There are still many ways to get likes for your Facebook page – you just need to know how.

If you're reading this, there's a good chance you want to establish your legitimacy on social media so you can get booked at festivals or popular venues. The best way to get there, however, is to put in the work instead of taking shortcuts.

Here are several tried and tested methods for getting more likes on your Facebook music page that still work.

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When it comes to getting likes for your Facebook page, no subject is more expansive than cross-promotion. You can literally use any opportunity or any marketing channel available to you to get the word out – not just the ones mentioned here.

But here are several ideas to get you started.

Place Social Media Buttons On Your Website

If you don’t have social media buttons on your website already, put them there. Your visitors and fans expect you to be on social media, so while your goal shouldn’t be to send them away from your website to follow you elsewhere, making your presence known can lead to more page likes.

Put your buttons in static areas of your website, such as the header, sidebar, or footer, so they’re easily discoverable.

You can also use Facebook’s own Page Plugin on your site to get people to like your page without ever leaving your website.

Use Call To Actions On Your Blog

One of the reasons many people fail at blogging is because they forget to put call to actions at the end of their posts. They might have the best posts in the world, but if they don’t get their visitors to take a profitable action, they’ll never reach their goals.

If you’re a blogging musician, put a call to action at the end of every post asking your visitors and fans to like you on Facebook. You could even put your Page Plugin with your call to action if you want.

Leverage Other Social Networks

What other social networks do you use? Tumblr, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, SoundCloud?

Get your followers on these networks to come and like your page on Facebook.

Get Your Email Subscribers To Like Your Page

Are you sending out regular email campaigns to your subscribers?

Although you might assume that everyone in your database has already liked your Facebook page, that isn’t necessarily the case.

Either put a Facebook button in all your emails, and send your fans over to your Facebook page, or use call to actions in your emails just like you would with your blog posts. But avoid using too many call to actions in your emails – best practice is just one.

Perform Live And Ask The Audience To Like Your Page

Every time you perform, you can let people know where they can find you on Facebook.

Since getting people to go to might be a bit of a challenge, you might consider registering a separate domain that forwards over to your Facebook page, like, or

Don’t forget to collect email addresses at every show you perform, so you can send more people over to your fan page later.

Use Print Materials

The best way to get Facebook likes for musiciansPut a Facebook button on all your posters, along with the URL of your page.

Likewise, do the same with your business cards and any other print materials you might have.


Advertising remains one of the best ways to get likes for your Facebook page. It instantly gets your page in front of more people, which builds brand awareness, and often leads to more likes.

Unsurprisingly, Facebook keeps updating their platform, so the campaign types available to you will be dependent on when you read this.

But a simple “Promote your Page” campaign (or similar) is hard to beat, and with the right ad content, you’ll be able to drive a great deal of awareness for your page. Other campaign types, like “Get video views”, or just boosting your posts can also have the same effect, assuming you get your targeting right. One of my friends has had good success with “Get video views” campaigns.

Look at your page “Insights” to get a better idea of who your fan base is. What age are they? Where are they located? Do more males like your page than females, or is it the other way around? You can use this data to increase the effectiveness of your ad campaigns.

Also, don’t overextend your budget. If you can’t afford advertising right now, wait until you have some money to spend on it.

Run A Contest

Contests are awesome. They can help you boost engagement on your page, and drive more attention for you and your music.

There is just one problem. If you do it wrong, Facebook may pull the plug on your contest, or worse, ban your account. You must observe their terms of service and play by their rules if you want to initiate a contest.

You’ll want to do your own research on what you can and cannot do on Facebook, but the best advice I can give you is to keep things simple. From prizes and giveaways to participation and demographics, the simpler you keep it, the better. Also, it makes it easier for you to fulfill your promises (i.e. prizes) for those who participate.

Final Thoughts

Few social networks are as important as Facebook when it comes to marketing. It might seem like you get more engagement on Instagram, or more responses on Snapchat, but unless that’s translating into increased awareness for your music, email subscribers, or sales, then it isn’t doing much for your career. You may as well relegate social media to fun and entertainment if it’s not producing tangible results.

If you truly want your Facebook page to grow, set goals, and do what you can to reach them.

P.S. Remember though, none of what you've learned will matter if you don't know how to get your music out there and earn from it. Want to learn how to do that? Then get our free ‘5 Steps To Profitable Youtube Music Career' ebook emailed directly to you!

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