How To Find Musicians To Collaborate With
Whether you want other musicians to form a band or group with, someone to collaborate on songs with, or just meet up and talk to, there are options out there for you. And as with most things these days, it all starts online (although many of these connections you make will be live in person).
So below are ways to find fellow musicians to play with or work with. If you have any other ways to find them let us know in the comments. Sharing is caring after all. 🙂
But first, if it's your aim to do music professionally, you'll want to check out our free ebook while it's still available:

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Use Meet Up Websites To Find Other Musicians To Jam With Or Start A Band
I'm a big fan of If you've no experience with this site, you're going to thank me for recommending it to you. Basically people like yourself go on this site to find others with a similar interest. In this case, finding other musicians to connect with.
So how will MeetUp benefit you as musician? Well, there are a number of ways.
First of all, if you want to play music with other musicians, there are often meet ups on there which give you this opportunity. For example, my mom actually went to a MeetUp group for musicians where they all got together and hired a rehearsal studio, splitting the cost between them. What started as a one off way for random musician to get together and jam has now turned into a band which meets up regularly and plays paid gigs together.
Now I'm not saying that everyone who goes to a musical meet up will end up in a paid band, but the opportunities are out there.
If you don't want to play with other musicians and instead just want to talk with them on music related subjects, there are also a lot of networking events which happen too. Some of these are in the form of a knowledgeable speaker talking followed by questions and answers at the end, while others are simply a case of turning up and talking to the other musician in the crowd.
Which ever you decide to go with, meet up websites are great for joining. While there are others rather than just, this is one of the biggest ones in the USA and the UK. If you know of other good ones though, feel free to leave them in the comments.
Find Other Musicians Via SoundCloud
Now, onto SoundCloud. I actually addressed the other day why it shouldn't be your main aim to get more plays or followers when using this site. That said, if you want to find people to collaborate with, this is a great place to start.
The good thing about SoundCloud is they make it possible to find musicians similar to you. Let me show you how.
Start out on the people search page and type in the kind of music you make. For example, if you make grime music, search for that; ‘grime music'.
You'll see some results come up. Before you look at them however, you should filter them to better match your needs. You can do this via the options on the left hand side of the page, specifically the ‘Filter by location' option in this case.
Click your city if it's there, or one near you. This will mean you can find people you can potentially meet up to collaborate with. If you can't get anyone close to you it still might be worth looking as you might be able to do an online collab.
Once you've filtered the results how you want them it's time to start looking at potential matches. Initially you'll get lots of people who have the name of the genre as their SoundCloud name. You can check these people out if you like.
As you go down further you'll see people who have your genre in their profile rather that it being viewable via the search results. The majority of the time you'll find that these people make your genre of music so are worth checking out.
You can experiment with the other features and filters too and see who you can find.
From here you can listen to different people and see if there's anyone you'd want to work with. If so you should get in contact. How do you do this? Well one option is to message them via SoundCloud. Once you're logged in, SC gives you the option to send the other person a message. This will make it easy for you to let them know what you're thinking and let them hear your music. If you both like what each other are doing you may end up connecting and collaborating.
If you message someone but they don't reply after a few days however, you may want to contact them via their other social sites. Facebook, Twitter, whichever one they use the most (see how often they update to find that out). This is because sometimes people don't monitor their SoundCloud messages, so they simply might not have seen it.
Use Forums To Connect With Other Musicians
My last suggestion for finding other musicians to play with is to use relevant music forums where other musicians hang out. These forums often have people posting up their own music and working with each other. While you won't be able to filter these people by location, you still can make some good connections from there. So give it a go.
Ways To Find Other Musicians To Collaborate With; Conclusion
As with anything, making music is more enjoyable when you can do it with other people. And even if you want to remain a solo artist, it's still good to have others to talk about how things are going and potential things you can do in future.
So, do you know any other ways to find musicians to work with? If so let us know in the comments.
P.S. Remember though, none of what you've learned will matter if you don't know how to get your music out there and earn from it. Want to learn how to do that? Then get our free ‘5 Steps To Profitable Youtube Music Career' ebook emailed directly to you!
I live in the Chicago Northland, and I’ve been playing guitar for a few years, but still consider myself on intermediate….I really appreciate your guidance here, it at least give me a starting point to meet someone I can jam with on my acoustic guitar, and maybe write some toons!!
Glad it’s helpful Victor, get those collaborations going! 🙂
Are you looking for other musicians to collaborate with Scott?
Open mics, blues jams, local radio sponsored showcases for face to face. YouTube channels from people in your area – check the comments for people who want to make music similar to bands you like. Facebook groups or fan clubs of bands you like or make similar music to – chances are that some of the people in those same groups will also be musicians and may be interested in putting together something in the same genre.
Nice one, thanks for the additional tips!