Spotify Karaoke; How To Get It & Use Karaoke Mode
Psst, heard about Spotify Karaoke mode and want to know what the rumblings are about? Well today I’ll share with you how to access Spotify Karaoke, how to use it, and what it even is. So read on for all this and more.
If you’re in a rush though, here’s how to launch Spotify Karaoke ():
- Launch the Spotify app.
- Pick a song.
- Scroll until you see the lyrics option.
- Click on the option to ‘Sing’.
- Press the microphone that appears.
You can now use karaoke mode!
Note 1: If you don’t see the lyrics on the song you choose, please try a different song. This isn’t available on all songs.
Note 2: If you don’t yet see the ‘Sing’ option, please update your app. If you still don’t see it, then the feature isn’t yet launched where you are.
Ok, now let’s look at what Spotify Karaoke is, more details on usage, when it’s coming to other countries, and a whole lot more.
Is There A Karaoke Mode On Spotify?

First of all, is there a karaoke mode on Spotify? For years there wasn’t, so it’s an understandable question.
The answer to this question is yes. Since 2021 Spotify allowed listeners to call up the lyrics of their favorite songs. Karaoke mode takes this one step further and allows you to sing along.
Not only that, it rates singers on their performance. That may not be for everyone, especially if all you want is a few minutes of musical experimentation. But it's an inarguably fun feature.
What Is Spotify Karaoke?
So, what is Spotify Karaoke?
We mentioned that for several years Spotify published song lyrics. Clicking on the option to view them allowed listeners to sing along.
Spotify Karaoke takes it one step further. In addition to issuing singers with the lyrics, it removes the vocal line and allows you to sing over the instrumentals.
The instruments-only approach allows the microphone to tap into your singing and analyze it. When the song’s over, you’ll get a score out of 100 on your musical accuracy.
To the untrained musician that might sound daunting. But Spotify doesn’t intend for you to take its scores too seriously. Especially because microphones are funny creatures. Without highly professional equipment they can get fussy about high notes.
Try belting opera into Spotify Karaoke next time the spirit moves you to play with the feature and watch what happens. You can hit all the High Cs you like, but the layperson’s microphone panics at so much noise coming through it that quickly and backs off.
So, what is Spotify karaoke? It’s a feature that lets you sing along to your favorite songs while the lyrics scroll across the screen. It’s entertainment first and audition practice second, so have fun exploring what you can do with it.
How Do I Enable Karaoke On Spotify?
Of course, for Spotify Karaoke to work, you need to enable it. How you do that varies from device to device. Primarily, it relies on you having the Spotify app.
Can I Get Spotify Karaoke Anywhere?
But to say it's enough to have the app oversimplifies the situation. Currently, the Spotify Karaoke feature is only available to users in English-speaking countries.
It’s region-specific, so it’s not enough to change your language in-app. It determines availability based on your IP address’s location.
For argument’s sake, let’s assume you live in an English-speaking country and have access to the feature. How do you launch Spotify karaoke?
Accessing Spotify Karaoke
To access Spotify karaoke, start by launching the app as normal.
Next, find the song you want to sing. Scroll until you see the lyrics option. In addition to the normal ‘View Lyrics’ option, there is now also an option to sing. Clicking on ‘Sing’ makes a microphone appear on your screen.
Click or press the microphone button. Karaoke mode is now active.
If you aren’t sure if the Spotify karaoke mode is on or not, start singing. You will know for sure when the artist’s vocal line vanishes.
Once you reach the end of the song, you can wait around for Spotify to rank your accuracy. If you aren’t fussed about finding out how well Spotify thinks you did, you can exit Karaoke mode or select another song.
Why Don't I Have Spotify Karaoke?
There are several reasons you may not see Spotify karaoke when you click on lyrics.
As mentioned, Spotify karaoke is currently only available for people in English-speaking countries.
If you know you are in a location that qualifies for Spotify karaoke but still can’t find it, it’s possible your app needs updating.
You can do this automatically by going into your Spotify app settings on your device of choice and toggling Automatic Updates on.
Alternatively, you can go into Google Play Store or the App Store depending on whether you use a Mac or Android device, and update your software manually.
Once there, search for Spotify. Since you already have the app installed, it won’t ask you to download it. Instead, it will prompt you to check for updates.
If the app determines Spotify needs updating, it will do that. You may need to enter your account password before it can start. You may also need to give the update several minutes to complete.
Once it does, quit Spotify. Then relaunch it. Now, choose a song, click Lyrics, and try to start karaoke mode. The option should be available.
If Spotify karaoke still isn’t there, the feature may not have rolled out yet. Alternatively, you may be running software too old to be compatible with the new update. Try logging into Spotify on a different device to see if you still have this problem.
In particular, users find it difficult to get Spotify Karaoke on their Smart TV. If that sounds familiar, see if you can make it work on your phone, tablet, or laptop before despairing.
Which Songs Have Karaoke On Spotify?
That’s how Spotify karaoke works and how to ensure your app can run it. But what songs have karaoke on Spotify?
A good rule of thumb is if the lyrics are available to view, the song is also available for Spotify karaoke. So, whether you want to sing jazz, pop, or rock ‘n roll there’s something for everyone to enjoy.
If you still aren’t sure how Spotify karaoke works, here are several common questions other users asked.
Do I need Spotify Premium to run karaoke?
No. Spotify karaoke is available to all users, including anyone on their unpaid use tier.
As ever, you may experience some differences between the premium and free Spotify tiers but primarily these are to do with ad frequency.
Will Spotify karaoke become available globally?
Yes. The plan is to make Spotify karaoke available to all users, wherever they live. However, it’s taking time to program the app to handle multiple sets of lyrics in different languages, so users should be patient.
Did Spotify remove karaoke mode?
No, Spotify’s karaoke mode is still there. But it may become temporarily inaccessible if you go on holiday to a country where English isn’t the primary language.
Once you’re back home, you should be able to sing along to all your favorite songs again.
Does Spotify have other new features planned?
Yes. Spotify is always refining its app. However, they have yet to disclose the specifics of any new features they plan to release.
What devices can I play Spotify Karaoke on?
Spotify karaoke should work on any device capable of running the Spotify app. However, some devices run the karaoke feature better than others. In particular, users have reported frequent issues trying to make Spotify karaoke play on Smart TVs.
But Spotify is working on a solution to this problem, so keep watching for updates.
Spotify Karaoke, Final Thoughts
How does Spotify karaoke work? It’s easy. Assuming your app is up-to-date, you can find Spotify karaoke by clicking on the Lyrics button.
It may be available globally yet, but Spotify plans to unroll the feature more widely as soon as possible.
If you aren’t comfortable using Spotify to record your singing, there are lots of karaoke options available to you. But Spotify works because it’s user-friendly and designed to be fun.
So open Spotify, call up your favorite song, and start singing. You will quite literally be happier as a result.
I was just told a few minutes ago by Spotify support that the karaoke mode is only available in Japan at this time.