27 Songs Starting With K

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You would not believe the many songs starting with the letter K. With songs about death, kindness, how to keep up with certain feelings, and even songs about kids and people with K names, the possibilities for these songs are endless. Here are our top songs beginning with the letter K to enjoy on your favorite music streaming service.

“Kryptonite” by 3 Doors Down

Song Year: 2000

3 Doors Down’s song “Kryptonite” peaked in the Billboard Top 100 Top 10 Hits at #3 in 2000 because of its epic lyrical meaning and awesome acoustics. The band melodically sings about how when someone falls in love that their lover becomes their weakness. However, this is a good kind of weakness.

The song is about a man who would do anything for his woman to keep her safe. One can hear through the lyrics that the main theme of the song references being a superhero because it mentions Superman and discusses kryptonite in the reference of someone being another person’s weakness.

“Kill ‘Em with Kindness” by Selena Gomez

Song Year: 2015

Those that make fun of you, the naysayers, and those that constantly put you down, Selena Gomez has one message: kill them with kindness. She reminds the world in this song that to battle the bad in the world is best done by being kind rather than stooping to their level.

In a world of evil, kindness is the best policy. Gomez shows the world that you can turn around someone’s thought process by showing love and reverence rather than meeting them with the same malice they may have towards you.

“Killer” by Eminem

Song Year: 2020

Put your headphones on in front of the kids for this one. Eminem explicitly raps about being a killer, but not in the sense of being a murderer. Rather, he explains how his fame, the money he has, and his way with women help him to kill it in a good way as a respected person in the community because of his popularity.

“Kansas” by Neil Young

Song Year: 2020

Neil Young opens the song with the narrator discussing how he feels he woke from a nightmare, but he is glad his partner is next to him to help him cope. The song recognizes the uncertainty of a one-night stand because he is not sure if this partner in bed with him is truly the significant other they were both looking for in life.

“Karaoke” by T-Pain Featuring DJ Khaled

Song Year: 2008

T-Pain opens “Karaoke” by saying that before he was a rapper that he would do unforeseen things in the street. He acknowledges that his rapping career, which is why the song’s name is “Karaoke,” has taken him so far in his life that he does not have to struggle to get what he wants in his life anymore. He also references that other people sing about the same subjects while he changes it up with unique lyrics.

“Keep Away” by Godsmack

Song Year: 1997

The song narrator in “Keep Away” is telling someone not to go near them. This enemy has harmed the narrator in the past, and the narrator feels the negative energy whenever this enemy is near them. The narrator acknowledges the enemy twists the words they say and does not want to keep associating with them.

“Keep It Dark” by Genesis

Song Year: 1981

Genesis sings about a story of a man taken by a gang of thieves for his money. He was locked away, perceived to have money and status, but the thieves let him go when they found out that he had no cash. The song continues, referring that it was truly the song narrator that went through this dark event.

“Keep My Soul in Song” by Jimi Goodwin

Song Year: 2014

Jimi Goodwin melodically sings to a listener, saying that he wants his soul to be remembered. He wants to leave a legacy in the form of music, so whoever wants to remember him when he is gone prefers that it be done by singing his music. Singing is his art form and how he best expresses himself hence his desire to be remembered in this way.

“Keep on Pushing” by The Impressions

Song Year: 1964

We all need that push once in a while. One of these songs, starting with the letter K sung by The Impressions, has a lovely smooth jazz and blues sound. It professes that when life gives you the challenge to keep pushing towards your goal. They sing about finding strength in yourself to achieve what you want in life without giving up.

“Keep the Family Close” by Drake

Song Year: 2016

While they say blood is thicker than water, Drake sings about how friends can also be family. He references the people that say are his friends, but they are not truly there for him or support him thoroughly because of how they put him down.

“Kelsey” by Metro Station

Song Year: 2007

The song's narrator sings about a girl named Kelsey who has become his new lover. The lead singer references protecting her through anything and anyone that tries to harm her. He likes it when she finds solace as they cuddle together at home, and the song narrator admits he loves Kelsey unconditionally.

“Keys to the Kingdom” by Linkin Park

Song Year: 2014

Chester Bennington sings a deep song about how the keys to the kingdom are within one’s self. Unsolved issues about how one is and how they continue to fight with themselves are only unlocked when they discover this specific key to unlock who they are.

Now that he has passed on, unfortunately, because of suicide, Linkin Park fans can see the deeper semblances of the battle Bennington had with himself and his mental state while he was still alive.

“Kentucky Rain” by Elvis

Song Year: 1969

Elvis smoothly sings about someone important in his life, presumably his lover, who is gone and missing. The song's narrator hitchhikes to try to get on the road to find his lost lover, wondering why she ran from him. He references the rain and how it falls in Kentucky, which shows the setting is in this state.

“Keep the Faith” by Michael Jackson

“Keep the Faith” by Michael Jackson

Song Year: 1991

Challenges are difficult to achieve, but keeping the faith is something that will guide you through, Michael Jackson sings. When times seem hard, and there is no light, keeping the faith will bring you to the hopeful light.

“Keep Ya Head Up” by Tupac Shakur

Song Year: 1993

Tupac Shakur brings real life to his song “Keep Ya Head Up” when he dedicates the lyrics to his godson and another little girl that he knows. Times are rough in life, but you cannot give up is the message that Tupac portrays. Keeping your head up through the challenges is the best way to achieve a mountain that looks the hardest to climb.

“Keisha’s Song (Her Pain)” by Kendrick Lamar

Song Year: 2011

Kendrick Lamar sings in “Keisha’s Song” about a vulnerable girl just trying to find her way in the world. It was inspired by a girl he knew when he was a teenager who became a prostitute and would look for potential customers on the street at night.

“Kids in the Street” by The All-American Rejects

Song Year: 2012

The song narrator of “Kids in the Street” showcases the freedom and carefree moments of childhood playing in the streets with friends. Through the good and bad times, the narrator reminisces on the great memories of childhood, wishing to return to those moments away from the stresses of adulthood.

“Kill Me, Heal Me” by Skillet

Song Year: 2015

Skillet showcases many Christian songs that speak to the soul. The song narrator is asking for the Lord to kill him spiritually so that he could be healed of impurities to be closer with Him. Especially when feeling at his lowest, the song narrator acknowledges that God is the only savior in his life.

“Kill Your Mama” by Alicia Keys

Song Year: 2016

Alicia Keys sings about how the world is turning cold and not the way it used to be. The way that people murder each other, talk bad about one another, come down with sickness, and experience other trials and tribulations is murdering Mother Earth. People are acting like devils and expecting heaven to be their home when they die, as Keys mentions in one verse.

“Kim” by Eminem

Song Year: 2000

This is a song about Enimem’s deep-seated feelings for his ex-wife Kim Mathers. He was angry at her for cutting off contact with him and preventing him from seeing their daughter, Hailie. The music video for the song ends with him murdering her and stashing her body in his trunk.

“Kindness” by Ryan Adams

Song Year: 2011

Ryan Adams melodically sings about kindness in this song. Doing for others, even just a small act of kindness, leads the way for the world to be a better place. You can show love for others by helping them out when they need it most.

“King of Anything” by Sara Bareilles

Song Year: 2010

Sara talks to a potential suitor about how he is not the king of anything. He is not entitled to make decisions about her lifestyle. She tells him that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and that he should respectfully agree to disagree when they have discrepancies in a conversation.

“King of My Heart” by Taylor Swift

Song Year: 2017

Taylor Swift sings about how she is ok with being a single woman. She feels strong and empowered with high self-esteem that she does not need a man to live her life how she wants. However, when a potential suitor comes to court her, she tells him that to win her heart, he has to hold her in high regard.

“King of Everything” by Wiz Khalifa

Song Year: 2015

Wiz Khalifa raps explicitly about being a king in the streets. Whether it is dealing drugs, making money, getting tattoos, or chasing women, Khalifa feels he is on top of the world as far as he is in the street game and music scene.

“King Kunta” by Kendrick Lamar

Song Year: 2015

Kendrick Lamar raps about his roots. He references the naysayers that did not believe he could make it famous. Now that he is a famous name in the rapping industry, he proclaims that the people around him are calling him King Kunta because of how seamlessly and artistically he spins his freestyle rhymes.

“Kingdom Come” by Jay-Z

Song Year: 2006

Jay-Z opens the song acknowledging that his life would not be what it is without hip-hop music. He proclaims himself as the savior of hip-hop by bringing new rhymes and flow to the music industry. Because of the song being called “Kingdom Come,” he is calling himself a king of hip-hop music that started from the bottom and has now reached an echelon that he did not expect.

“Killer Queen” by Queen

Song Year: 1974

Queen sings about a woman that he describes as the Killer Queen in one of the songs, starting with the letter K from the 1970s. She has an air about herself that is unlike any other. She does not give out the same address to the men she talks to.

The woman is playful, inquisitive, and goes against the grain in anything she does. The song narrator claims that the Killer Queen could blow your mind at any point because of how unique she is personality-wise and how she responds to certain situations.

Best Songs Starting With K, Final Thoughts

We hope you love this list of songs with the letter K and find something that you are jamming to in your spare time. Especially if you have a name that starts with K, we hope you found a song that vibes with the same letter as your namesake.

Which song starting with the letter K is your favorite and why? Let us know in the comments to get the conversation started!

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