9 Best Noise Reduction VST Plugins 2025

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Can’t seem to get rid of noise in one of your vocal tracks? Captured a perfect saxophone take that ended up with some unlistenable artifacts in it? Want to tame that heavily distorted guitar, even if just by a little?

You’re not alone. While there aren’t any magic tricks you can perform to save great takes with excessive noise, there certainly are plugins that can help. We make no guarantees as to how effective they are in removing unwanted ring or hum, but they can and often do more than your average EQ.

In this guide, we look at the best noise reduction VST plugins.

Restoration Suite 2 by Acon Digital – Best Overall

Restoration Suite 2 by Acon Digital – Best Overall

As its name would suggest, Acon Digital’s Restoration Suite 2 features multiple tools to help you achieve cleaner audio.

Version 2 brings with it several upgrades. Every plugin has been enhanced, with improved processing algorithms and user interfaces. That includes DeNoise 2, DeHum 2, DeClick 2, and DeClip 2 – the names themselves tell you a lot about what each of them does.

First, let’s look at DeNoise 2. This plugin is the ideal choice for reducing wind, hiss, buzz, and camera noise. Use the adaptive mode to reduce unwanted artifacts automatically. You can also employ this feature after you’ve let DeNoise 2 analyze the problematic areas in noise profile mode.

With version 2 comes dynamic noise profiles, which helps identify noise that changes and fluctuates over time while reducing it.

Overall, DeNoise 2 has been designed to reduce noise without impacting the original source material. Noise analysis and adaptive modes can be used to tame noise.

It also comes with dynamic noise profiles, transient detection, temporal smoothing, optional M/S processing, frequency emphasis filter, solo noise mode, and more.

Next up is DeHum 2. If you’re looking to reduce hum and buzz stemming from electrical motor noise or poorly grounded electrical gear, then this is the tool you need. The latest version even features a Scan button that will fine tune the fundamental hum frequency automatically.

DeHum 2 also features a sinusoidal resynthesis algorithm, notch filter mode, adaptive mode, automatic fine-tune button, optional M/S processing, the option to target only odd harmonics, spectrum analysis, solo hum mode (for listening to the removed signal), and more.

Then we have DeClick 2. If you’re having issues with clicks, thumps, and crackles, this is the tool to use. Whether it’s digital dropouts, distorted data packets, or even noise from vinyl records, this plugin is here to sweep away your worries.

DeClick 2 is works nicely on vocals, especially for taming plosives.

Overall, DeClick 2 can detect clicks, crackle, thumps, and plosives, and it comes with optional M/S processing, visual curve meters, residual signal mode, and more.

Lastly, we have DeClip 2, which helps restore distorted audio recordings with analog or digital clipping. It features separately adjustable upper and lower threshold values, optional upper and lower threshold lock, histograms, and fine-tuning controls.

Overall, Restoration Suite 2 is excellent value. As a bundle featuring four plugins, it’s very affordable, well designed, and as you’ll see in the video below, very effective too. That makes it our best overall selection.

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Restore Plugin Bundle by Sonnox – Best Premium Option

Restore Plugin Bundle by Sonnox – Best Premium Option

As you’ll discover throughout this guide, in this category of VST plugins, plugin bundles are often the name of the game. And Sonnox’ Restore Plugin Bundle comes with three premium audio correction tools – Oxford DeClicker, Oxford DeBuzzer, and Oxford DeNoiser.

For those who require highly accurate audio restoration with powerful features, this kit might just be the ticket. Using these tools, you can effectively remove clicks, pops, crackles, hum, scratches, buzzes, and other types of background noise without sacrificing the parts of the audio you want to keep.

First up, Oxford DeClicker comes with three sections – DePop, DeClick, and DeCrackle. Use the event display for visual feedback. You’ll also find onboard an “Exclude Box,” dialogue mode, three audition modes, and more.

Next, we have Oxford DeBuzzer. The Oxford DeBuzzer offers hum and buzz removal utilizing its built-in advanced algorithms.

DeBuzzer also comes with detect and remove sections, scalable high resolution FFT of input signal, integrated frequency display, tracking mode with automatic or fast, removal filters or parametric EQ, two audition modes, and much more.

Finally, the Oxford DeNoiser features DeHisser, Detect, and Remove sections, high-resolution FFT of input signal, detector noise profile (with automatic, manual, or freeze), noise threshold and reduction, two audition modes, warmth control, and makeup gain for true A/B comparisons.

The video below offers a detailed overview of the three plugins. So, if you’re not quite sure whether this is the kit for you, you can see exactly what the suite can do and how well it works.

While it comes with a premium price tag, there’s no getting around that the Restore Plugin Bundle is sublime. That’s what makes it our best premium pick.

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Esspresso by Klevgrand – Best Budget Option

Esspresso by Klevgrand – Best Budget Option

There are different types of noise reducers out there. Some are more comprehensive, targeting a variety of noise profiles, be it wind, hum, hiss, click, or otherwise. Others, like Klevgrand’s Esspresso, target shrill, high frequencies and sibilance.

Yes, if you hadn’t figured it out already, Esspresso is a de-esser. But when it comes to reducing and eliminating unwanted noise from your tracks, we certainly can’t ignore more conventional tools like EQ, gating, and of course, de-essing.

Esspresso was designed to be simple and powerful – an elegant solution for removing troublesome high frequencies that can plague vocal tracks – especially post EQ, compression, and saturation.

But this plugin is a little different from your typical de-esser. Because the detection frequency range isn’t tied to the suppressor’s frequency range, it means you can listen to one frequency while compressing the other.

Overall, Esspresso comes with visual reduction RMS, visual detector RMS, detector sensitivity gain, solo switch, suppressor with three filter modes (all, band, high), and a simple, streamlined user interface.

Besides vocals, de-essers sometimes come in handy for overhead cymbals, and particularly unruly guitar parts.

While a de-esser is a specialized tool, designed to handle sibilance and high frequencies, there are limits to what it can do. This should not be thought of as a holistic sonic cleanup tool. But what it does, it does well. That makes it our best budget option.

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RX 10 Elements by iZotope

RX 10 Elements by iZotope

iZotope’s RX 10 Elements is an audio repair and noise reduction workstation covering all basic applications. Whether it’s hum, clicking, clipping, amp hiss, air conditioners, furnaces, reverbs, or otherwise, you can take advantage of the included tools to analyze and repair your audio.

Ever notice how recorded audio is rarely perfect? If you thought you were the only one, think again!

RX 10 Elements will add that extra polish you need for your music, content, and even post-production efforts. In some cases, you may even be able to salvage what might otherwise be unusable audio material.

The Repair Assistant plugin takes advantage of machine learning, which will automatically find and fix audio issues. RX Elements also includes several component plugins to address specific sound problems -De-Hum, De-Click, De-Clip, Voice De-Noise, and De-Reverb.

For most types of audio repair, RX 10 Elements should do the trick. Its price is also reasonable, all things considered.

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Extract:Dialogue by Acon Digital

Extract:Dialogue by Acon Digital

If you regularly produce voiceover, commentary, outdoor interviews, or podcast content, Acon Digital’s Extract:Dialogue might be right down your alley.

Just as its name would suggest, Extract:Dialogue identifies common types of background noise – like clicks, pops, hum, wind, rustle, traffic – and separates the dialogue from these unwanted artifacts.

With a real-time, deep learning algorithm, Extract:Dialogue has become a student of both quality voice recordings and the various types of noise that can make tracks unusable.

This tool will do most of the heavy lifting for you. All you need to do is add it to the dialogue bus, and it will do the rest.

While the noise reduction is automated, you can manually configure noise detection sensitivity (with up to three frequency bands) as well as maximum noise attenuation (which comes in handy when you simply want to reduce noise, not remove it completely).

Altogether, Extract:Dialogue comes with a global sensitivity control, frequency-dependent sensitivity controls with up to three bands (low shelf, peak, high shelf), adjustable maximum attenuation, solo noise mode, spectrum analyzer, preset manager (with the ability to save, load, and categorize user presets), and a resizable user interface.

Extract:Dialogue is very handy. It can minimize noise so that voice tracks are more audible, while background noise is minimal. That said, you should always effort to capture good source material, as Extract:Dialogue cannot polish what is fundamentally a bad take.

Also note – this is a great tool for voiceover, commentary, podcasts, radio, etc. but it wasn’t designed for use with singing / vocals in mind.

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Brusfri by Klevgrand

Brusfri by Klevgrand

Klevgrand Brusfri is an easy to use noise reducer tailor made for cleaning up noisy recordings. Where most tools of its kind alter audio phasing to achieve desired results, Brusfri primarily takes advantage of pinpoint gating to retain sound quality while giving you a cleaner finished product.

The plugin is split into three main sections. The first is attack / threshold / release, the second is the Learn button (which will analyze your audio and do most of the heavy lifting on your behalf), and Tonality for fine tuning.

In most cases, all that’s required is a quick push of the Learn button to end up with a much cleaner sound. Simply select the section of audio you want to process, and Brusfri will do the rest.

“Brusfri,” by the way, means “noise-free” in Swedish. Overall, it’s a very viable tool. There is a bit of a trick to using it, as demonstrated in the video below, so be sure to study up on proper use before trying it on your audio.

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ReSample by 2nd Sense Audio

ReSample by 2nd Sense Audio

2nd Sense Audio’s ReSample is an audio editing and processing tool that lets you zoom in on waveforms and edit using your mouse, keyboard, or trackpad (with multi-touch gestures enabled).

Its main features include vocal removal, time stretch, pitch shift, multiband compression, and loudness meter, but you simply can’t underestimate all this plugin makes possible. In total, it comes with over 20 audio processors and effects.

What’s probably of greatest interest to you is its sample-based noise reduction processor, which can be used to clean up your audio material.

Within its deep feature set you’ll also find real time spectrum with frequency estimation, equalizer, customizable fade curve, free drawing doppler effect, sample rate conversion, noise generation (white and pink noise), limiter processor, and a whole lot more.

Let me tell it like it is – ReSample is a unique virtual tool, and it defies explanation. If I were to sum it up, it’s a comprehensive waveform editing tool loaded with great features.

This is not a standalone noise reducer, but as you’ll see in the video below, its noise reduction functionality is quite superb.

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Weiss EQ MP by Softube

Weiss EQ MP by Softube

There are many ways to reduce noise in your tracks and mixes. While EQ may not be the go-to tool for every application, there’s no denying that attenuating frequencies is one of its strengths.

Weiss EQ MP, with its low noise processing and low noise filter algorithms, may be an option well worth considering. And with Weiss and Softube at the helm, you know this baby packs a punch.

Weiss EQ MP is a surgical EQ with an algorithm based on the illustrious Weiss EQ1. It features seven bands you can use to pinpoint frequencies for additive and subtractive equalization. This makes for a very reliable mastering EQ as well.

Altogether, Weiss EQ MP comes with a dual seven full-range EQ band, double precision 64-bit processing and internal oversampling, multiple filter slopes (24 dB, 48 dB, 96 dB), linked / unlinked L/R and M/S processing, low latency, a resizable UI, and dark mode.

When the average EQ simply doesn’t cut it, Weiss EQ MP is well worth a look.

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poltergate by denise

poltergate by denise

One more effect that has the potential to help you reduce noise is a gate VST plugin. denise’s poltergate, though, goes beyond conventional boundaries, and works like a gate, EQ, transient shaper, and clipper combined.

From drums to samples, poltergate makes it possible for you to reduce noise, separate instruments, and de-bleed, all from one central control tower.

Thanks to its many features, poltergate can also be used as a creative effect, for rhythmic effects, clipping, or otherwise.

Not satisfied with the de-bleeding plugins available, the developer created their own de-bleeding algorithm, complete with a spike shaper.

If that wasn’t enough, the dynamics tab lets you combine transient shaping with limiting and clipping.

In total, poltergate features a sidechain EQ graph, spike control, clipper, de-bleeder, transient design, gating, audition mode, and flip.

Learn more: Plugin Boutique

What Should I Look For In A Noise Reduction VST Plugin?

Every producer should have a noise reduction VST plugin or two in their toolkit. Even if the performances you capture are perfect, the audio integrity can be another matter entirely.

You may think you dotted all your i’s and crossed all your t’s, but problems can rear their ugly heads late in the game, when you’re under the gun to get your mixes done and re-taking the tracks would be impractical.

Noise reduction VST plugins can be lifesavers. This isn’t to say they can fix all your problems. If you go in with that mindset, you might end up taking shortcuts with the recording process, which can lead to avoidable compromises.

But for those times when you simply don’t have other options, or even for those times when cleaning up tracks would make a difference, you should be ready with tools to get the job done.

So, here are the main things you should look for in a noise reduction VST plugin:

  • Performance
  • Project requirements
  • Features
  • Budget

Let’s get into each of these critical factors.


We could have used “sound quality” as a heading here too, but that wouldn’t have felt quite right. A noise reduction VST plugin is supposed to take the “nasty” out of your sound, and that being the case, it’s not about sound quality as much as it is how well it does the job it’s been designed to do.

Now, it’s important to remember that different noise reducers perform different jobs. Some were created for narration, voiceovers, podcasts, and the like. Others can handle a broader range of audio material, from drums to guitars.

We’ll talk more about project requirements and plugin selection in a moment. But we do need a reliable way to assess the tools featured here and whether they do the job they’ve been designed to do.

You are, after all, either looking to add a bit of polish to your tracks to make them sound cleaner and nicer.

The best way to determine whether a plugin is right for you is to watch video demos and reviews. Customer reviews can also be helpful, as they may mention specific use cases where they’ve tried the plugin.

But before you rush out and buy anything, be sure to hear it in action.

Project Requirements

Are you planning to denoise a narration track? De-bleed your drums? Clean up that perfect guitar solo with unwanted background noise?

One of the most critical factors to consider when shopping for a noise reduction VST plugin is to consider how you’re going to be using it.

Small fixes can be made with EQ, gating, de-essing, sometimes even compression – and you’ll find a few plugins in these categories above, just in case this is the direction you decide to go in.

But most plugins featured here are in the audio restoration / noise reducer category (with ReSample being a bit of an outlier, though it does come with some fantastic noise removal technology).

Some of these are better suited to voice than other applications. Others can handle just about anything you throw at them.

Also note that while your inclination might be to purchase the most expensive plugin you can find and hope for the best, this isn’t necessarily the best strategy. The plugin you’re thinking about buying may not handle the types of jobs you want to give it, or for what you’re trying to do, a more affordable plugin might be enough.

So, consider how you plan to use your noise reduction VST plugin. This should make it easier for you to home in on the right option.


The most important thing I can say about features is the better idea you have of what you need, the easier it will be to pick out a plugin.

Would you like an intelligent denoiser that does most of the work on your behalf? That exists.

Do you want to have complete control over how certain frequencies are attenuated or the overall intensity of the effect? That exists too.

We find that most plugins in this category are very simple, though, and shouldn’t prove too hard to master. As with anything, mind you, it’s a process. You can’t just buy the best tools and hope to have great audio – you’ve got to know how to use said tools too!

The main takeaway here is to do your homework. If you’re not clear on anything, you can easily find answers to most of your questions online.


Shoppers should expect to spend anywhere from $50 to $530 depending on what they’re looking for in a noise reducer.

You don’t necessarily need the most expensive plugin or suite to get the job done, but we basically covered that already.

We do want to reinforce this point, though, in case you’re thinking about buying multiple plugins, because the cost can add up fast.

We want to remind you to spend responsibly, as we don’t advise going into debt for music production related purchases. Consult your budget first and you’ll be less likely to make decisions you regret.

Top Noise Reduction VST Plugins, Final Thoughts

Noise can be a problem, sometimes even for the most experienced, talented, and knowledgeable producers. So, don’t be discouraged if the audio you capture doesn’t always come out sounding perfect. Sometimes, you do need a bit of extra help to get your project over the finish line.

Audio restoration and noise reduction plugins can be a huge help, even when it comes to something as simple as creating more separation in a mix or taking the buzz out of a guitar track.

We hope you found what you’re looking for and wish you all the best on your music production journey.

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