21 Best Country Songs About Sons

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When you think about your relationship with your son, sometimes it can be hard to put into words. We've found the perfect list of country songs about sons that will do it for you. Get ready to grab the box of tissues as these songs range from sentimental, to upbeat, to sad and everything in between. Hopefully, you find a gem to add to your playlist!

“Boy” by Lee Brice

Song Year: 2017

In this list of the best country songs about sons, the first one is about a father having a talk with his son about growing up with integrity and treating people the right way. He tells him some that won't identify with his concerns until he has a boy of his own.

Lee Brice says that the lyrics took him back to a nostalgic place where he spent time with his father. It also made him think of his sons, Ryder and Takoda, and how his relationship with them is similar to his relationship with his dad.

“Anything Like Me” by Brad Paisley

Song Year: 2009

“Anything Like Me” tells a story about a father-to-be who is anxious about his soon-to-arrive son and how he worries about his son growing up like him. He hearkens back to things such as riding the bike too fast or even climbing trees.

However, he soon decides by the end of the song that there are worse people to emulate, and if his son were like him, he would be alright.

“Love Without End, Amen” by George Strait

Song Year: 1990

“Love Without End, Amen” talks about a son who is in constant trouble, gets into a fight at school, and is sent home, expecting to be punished by his dad. However, to his surprise, his dad greeted him with an unsuspecting embrace.

This form of love is what the dad saw fit to pass on to his son. By the end, the narrator discloses that he dreamt about dying and stood outside heaven's gate to witness the ultimate form of love without an end.

“He Gets That From Me” by Reba McEntire

Song Year: 2003

“He Gets That From Me” tells the story of a widowed mother who's in the process of grieving the death of her late husband. In the middle of this ordeal, she notes the similarities between her and her son.

Near the song's end, she speaks about how she overhears her son praying to God and asking for help for him and his mom to get through this unfortunate time. She declares that he gets that from her too.

“My Boy” by Elvie Shane

Song Year: 2021

“My Boy” is a song about a man that had found his new purpose in life in the form of his wife, whom he met when he was 25. Upon meeting her, she told him that she had a five-year-old little boy.

In the song, he goes on to disclose that he needed a purpose in his life, and they were it. Shane read a Facebook post that perfectly expressed his feelings. A guy said he didn't feel like he had a stepson but a son born before he met him.

“You Had To Be There” by Tim McGraw

Song Year: 2009

“You Had To Be There” tells the story of a 21-year-old boy who grew up with just his mother and now finds himself in jail. His father comes to see him for the first time while he's in jail. His father tries to apologize to the young man; however, the boy states that he doesn't want to make the conversation about him.

Instead, he wants to talk about how he left his mom to raise him alone. He goes on to tell his dad he would've had an excellent chance to be normal had he been around. He says his mom and her prayers weren't enough, and now it is too late to save him.

“That's My Job” by Conway Twitty

Song Year: 1987

This riveting song discusses a young boy waking from a nightmare about his dad passing away, which eventually becomes a tragic reality. He was terrified that night after the dream, and his father reassured him that he'll always be with his son in one form or another.

The son pursued his own endeavors in life, and the nightmare became a reality. He would reminisce about his father's promise that he would always be with him, and the narrator was comforted at the thought of it, just like when he was a kid.

“Watching You” by Rodney Atkins

Song Year: 2006

Inspired by Atkins and a situation where he discovered that his son had been singing his hit song “If You're Going Through Hell” to his teachers, this song is profound. Atkins wanted his son to understand the song's meaning, but he did not want him to say specific words.

Atkins' friend eventually told him that “he's just watching you” doing what his father does. The song serves as a reminder that our children emulate both the good and the bad because they are like sponges, constantly absorbing every move we make.

“Little Lion Man” by Mumford & Sons

Song Year: 2009

“Little Lion Man” is a song whereby the narrator speaks to the younger version of who's a child. He tells him how well in life he's done, and he reminds him that no matter what a person's childhood aspirations are, they may never come true.

The “Little Lion Man” describes his conflicting identities. On the one hand, he wants to be an independent man who takes the world by storm; on the other, he feels like a little boy. Most people believe that his song is about his son, which serves as a way to admit that he messed things up and wasn't a good dad.

“You're Gonna Be” by Reba McEntire

Song Year: 2005

In this tune, a son (or daughter) is told by his mother that they can be anyone. They can also do anything and she would always be there to love and support them.

She’s going to continue pushing them along the way as they learn and experience all that life has to offer.

“Ain't Even Met You Yet” by Chris Lane

"Ain't Even Met You Yet" by Chris Lane

Song Year: 2021

Chris Lane expressed how personal “Ain't Even Met You Yet” was to him, as it was a sort of love letter to his son Dutton before his birth. He had many questions about becoming a father, like when he'd take his first steps and what his first words would be.

It's a touching song that can help many dads reminisce on their first time meeting their baby boys and how many milestones they've shared since then.

“The Sweetest Gift” by Trisha Yearwood

Song Year: 1994

“The Sweetest Gift” is a tale about a mom who goes to see her son in prison and makes it clear that she loves her son unconditionally.

She makes sure he and everyone else knows that she'll always support him, no matter what he's done. She hasn't brought much with her to the visit, but she always gives him the sweetest gift she can offer—a mother's smile.

“Daddy's Son” by Trey Pendley

Song Year: 2021

Trey Pendley says he owes his father so much for the role that he has played in his life. He played a significant role as Trey was growing up, and Trey sees many of his dad's qualities in his personality.

He's saying that you can tell he's daddy's son based on how he talks and acts. It's pretty cool to be similar to our parents in those ways, and it surely brings a smile to their faces.

“He Didn't Have To Be” by Brad Paisley

Song Year: 1999

In “He Didn't Have To Be,” a son talks about how he felt when his stepfather treated him as a part of the package while dating his mom.

The son promises to be everything to his children that his stepdad didn't have to be. Touching!

“Best Day” by George Strait

Song Year: 2000

It's incredible when your kids want to spend time with you and get to know you. They'll often regard simple activities as the best day ever because of the bond you share with them and the memories you created.

In the song, George Strait talks about loading up his station wagon with a tent, sleeping bags, a cooler, fishing rods, and more to go camping with his son. His son feels lucky and excited to be hanging out with his dad, doing what he loves, and says it's the best day of his life. It's a lovely song with a catchy chorus.

“My Last Name” by Dierks Bentley

Song Year: 2003

“My Last Name” is an interesting song that makes us think about another aspect of having a son unique from having a daughter. Your son gets to carry on the family name, a source of pride for many fathers.

On this track, the son talks about how his dad always told him that he represents them all and keeps his name solid over the years.

“He's Mine” by Rodney Atkins

Song Year: 2011

Ever heard the phrase, “The apple doesn't fall far from the tree”? Well, that's how you can think of “He's Mine” in a nutshell.

It's interesting because there's another song on the list, “Daddy's Son,” that seems to illustrate getting the good parts of dad, while this song suggests the son got some bad behaviors from his dad.

“Song for Dad” by Keith Urban

Song Year: 2002

Following along the same lines of thinking, Keith Urban sings about how he can see how much his dad loves his mom, his brother, and himself. He hopes that when he gets older and has a family of his own, he sees more and more of his dad in himself.

We often vow not to become like our parents, but in many cases, it turns out that we also get some really good teaching and traits from them.

“I'm the Only Hell (My Mama Ever Raised)” by Johnny Paycheck

Song Year: 1977

Willie Nelson uses soft vocals and laid-back guitar strumming to create a catchy song about a boy who can't stay out of trouble despite his mom's efforts. She tries to keep him on the straight and narrow to no avail.

Johnny Paycheck sings from the son's perspective, who's drawn to trouble and gets arrested after engaging in illegal activities. By the song's end, he wants to return to the days when he could hear his mother singing, trying to make him upstanding.

“Drive (for Daddy Gene)” by Alan Jackson

Song Year: 2011

“Drive” makes you think about the good times you've shared with your dad. While some boys may say fishing or playing football, Jackson says his finest memories come from learning to drive a boat.

It's the kind of song that gives you those nostalgic feelings. Jackson wrote this tune not about himself but for his dad Eugene “Gene” Jackson, who passed away in 2000.

“Tough Little Boys” by Gary Allan

Song Year: 2003

Gary Allan brings to light the feelings of thinking you're tough when you're a little boy growing up but getting humbled by having kids. He says it scared him to death, and he cried when he realized he was about to be a father and possibly have his son.

He wondered when his kid would take his first steps, whether they'd be similar, and millions of other things. This upbeat song reminds you that men can turn into big babies when it comes to raising a baby.

Top Country Songs About Sons, Final Thoughts

There's nothing quite like raising a son, and these country music classics give us insight into how the singer's felt about their little guys that would one day become men.

It's always great to listen to music that makes you reflect, smile, and come to tears because of the relatability. Check out some of the best country songs about sons when you have some spare time!

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