17 Best Country Songs About Horses

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10. “Hold My Horses” by Madeline Edwards

Song Year: 2022

Californian transplant Madeline Edwards moved to Texas, where she started a music career. Edwards is a fusion artist, and the singer combines Southern US genres like soul, jazz, gospel, and country.

Hear Edwards’ talents at work and listen to “Hold My Horses,” a 2022 song from her album, Crashlanded. In the song, Edwards describes a beautiful mare and everything she loves about the creature. But as the track unfolds, it becomes clear she’s in love with a person.

11. “Pony” by Kasey Chambers

Song Year: 2004

Listen to “Pony” by Kasey Chambers for a softer country track. It’s a chill song featuring a bass guitar and Chambers’s light, playful voice.

The song is about every young person’s dream; to own a pony. Chambers takes the role of a young girl, describing her ideal pet pony and all the fun times they would have together.

12. “She Loves To Ride Horses” by Guy Clark

Song Year: 2002

The ninth track on his album, The Dark, “She Loves To Ride Horses,” is a Guy Clark song about a girl he loves.

Clark dropped “She Loves To Ride Horses” in 2002 alongside other hit songs like “Mud.” He sings an ode to his lover, a horse rider, on the waltz-like country track with elements of bluegrass and folk.

13. “No Reins” by Rascal Flatts

Song Year: 2007

The country trio Rascal Flatts likens a breakup to horse riding in the song “No Reins.” It’s a loud, intense country track ideal for singing in a car with the windows down or dancing at a two-stepping club.

In “No Reins,” a girl leaves a bad relationship, and lead singer Gary LeVox says she feels like she’s riding a horse with no reins, wild and free by herself.

The song came out in September 2007 on their album, Still Feels Good, and the track features music production by Dann Huff.

14. “The Strawberry Roan” by Marty Robbins

Song Year: 1959

“The Strawberry Roan” is a classic gunfighter ballad originally by Marty Robbins. Although it’s seen dozens of covers, Robbins’ original is easily the best version.

This song is about a brave man who decides to befriend a horse no one can tame. Unfortunately, he can’t tame the horse, but he learns a deep respect for the wild creature.

15. “Tonight We Ride” by Tom Russell

“Tonight We Ride” by Tom Russell

Song Year: 2004

In February 2004, Tom Russell released his 18th studio album, “Indians Cowboys Horses Dogs,” a record Russell wrote and helped produce. The first track on the album is “Tonight We Ride,” an exciting ballad about robbers and cowboys.

This song follows a group of ne’er-do-wells as they wreak havoc on towns near the Texas-Mexico border. They ride their horses from town to town, seeking adventure wherever they go.

16. “The Horses” by Daryl Braithwaite

Song Year: 1991

“The Horses” is a classic 90s track by Australian singer Daryl Braithwaite. This pop song has a country beat and is the singer’s voyage into country rock.

With twangy guitar and distinctive country drums, the singer waxes poetic to his love, telling her he wants to ride horses together.

17. “The Ballad of the Mustang” by Spencer Crandall

“The Ballad of the Mustang” by Spencer Crandall

Song Year: 2002

Spencer Crandall contemplates the personalities of mustangs in this Western country track. It dropped in the summer of 2022, cementing the young artist’s place in the contemporary country genre.

The song is about the wild, independent nature of the Mustang, and Crandall sings about his insecurities and how he wishes he could be free like the horse.

Top Country Songs About Horses, Final Thoughts

Listen to country singers share their love for their equine companions in these best country songs about horses. From adventurous ballads to rugged tunes, these country songs are ideal for any horse lover.

So whether you are a horse owner or are looking for new country tunes to add to your list, this round-up is for you. We hope you enjoy it and share this article with friends!

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