Spotify’s Changes in Royalty Rates

How Do Spotify’s 2024 Changes in Royalty Rates Affect Independent Artists?

Time for some more royalty payment news! Most independent musicians releasing music today understand that the music industry itself is fundamentally flawed in its use of archaic business practices in today’s digital age. We agree to the industry’s terms and conditions every time that we release new music on streaming platforms.  With Spotify’s proposed changes…

How to get your music on itunes and Amazon MP3

How To Sell Music On iTunes in 2025 – Also Get On Tital, Amazon MP3, Spotify, Rhapsody, Napster And More

Today we’re going to show you how to get music on iTunes, Amazon MP3, Napster, Spotify, and a whole load of other online music stores using Songcast (Free to create a account). We’ll also look at what you need to do once you get your music on these sites, and how to make the most…

Why You Need To Build Anticipation For Your Next Single

Why You Need To Build Anticipation For Your Next Single Or Album Release

When artists achieve a certain level of success, they no longer need to work as hard to build anticipation for their releases. Their fans are already hanging on to every social media post waiting for new material. For the rest of us, life is a little harder. It takes a long time and a lot…

Buy Spotify Plays, A Review Of Why Musicians Should NEVER Purchase Fake Streams

Buy Spotify Plays, A Review Of Why Musicians Should NEVER Purchase Fake Streams

Facebook likes, Instagram followers, Spotify plays – what do these things have in common? Artists want them. Artists feel like they need them to be recognized in the industry. Fair enough. There is a lot of pressure to play a numbers game. So long as artists want these things, there will be shady services out…

What Are Some Music Placement Opportunities Available To Musicians?

What Are Some Music Placement Opportunities Available To Musicians?

Have you ever thought about getting your music featured in TV and films? Do you wish you could get your music into the hands of decision makers at labels? Then placement and licensing opportunities are exactly what you’ve been looking for. But where do you get started, and who do you pitch to? What are…

How To Choose The Right Music Distribution Company To Get Your Music Out In The World

How To Choose The Right Music Distribution Company To Get Your Music Out In The World

If you want to sell your music on as many different stores and platforms as possible, then you must distribute it. Distribution is more efficient and affordable than it’s ever been. There are many services to choose from, and while most of them are comparable, they aren’t exactly the same. This makes it difficult to…

Checklist of things to do when releasing an album

Indie Album Release Checklist, Make Sure You’re Doing These Before Your Launch

Recording your album is without a doubt the best part of releasing music. The creative process is a joy (that’s why we do it after all), and you get to call a lot of the shots. At the end of the long process, you have something concrete you can be proud of. Then comes the…

Debate, should musicians upload music to streaming websites

Should You Put Your Music On Streaming Websites? One Man’s Opinion

About two or three years ago, I identified music streaming as one of the main components of the “new” music industry, and based on the growth we’ve seen in that time, I can’t imagine there are too many people that would disagree. Even my grandma now knows how to use Spotify! Music lovers enjoy streaming…