25 Best Waves Plugins 2025

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As a prolific creator of high-quality VST plugins, Waves is near unmatched in their ability to pump out audio tools to help producers, composers, and songwriters everywhere.

While their array of products doesn’t include every type of virtual effect or instrument, as you’re about to discover, they cover more ground than most developers ever do.

In this guide, we look at the best Waves plugins available.

Scheps Omni Channel – Best Overall

Scheps Omni Channel – Best Overall

Scheps Omni Channel is a powerful channel strip VST plugin created alongside Grammy-winning mixer Andrew Scheps.

Channel strips can create incredible efficiencies in the mixing process, allowing you to cover all basic processing needs – like compression, EQ, and gating – all from a single plugin.

Scheps Omni Channel brings together the best of modular channel strips with vintage mixing consoles. “The best of both worlds,” as they say.

There are six modules included in Scheps Omni Channel.

The first is the EQ. This is a four-band equalizer, but it can even turn into a parametric or surgical EQ if that’s what you need.

Next up is the Pre module, for adding one of three types of saturation to your tracks.

Then there’s the Compression module, featuring three different flavors. There’s also a wet / dry control for parallel compression.

The Gate module can be used for gating and expansion, and it comes with the expected parameters – threshold, attack, and release. But you are also given complete control over the maximum noise reduction.

Finally, there’s the DS2 module for all your de-essing needs. Onboard are four filter types and two full-range bands.

But wait. If that wasn’t enough, Scheps Omni Channel has an insert slot you can use to add any Waves plugin of your choosing (you can even add another instance of any of the Scheps modules).

Thanks to its zero-latency design, Scheps Omni Channel could prove a viable live music tool as well. Some of the EQ, filter, and compressor controls have been mapped to the eMotion LV1 mixing console.

Also onboard are “Focus” presets, which tell you which parameters to focus on in tweaking specific sounds.

Finally, Scheps Omni Channel comes with internal MS / duo / stereo routing per module, stereo component for discrete control over each channel, shaping for internal or external sidechain input, and artist presets via Tony Visconti, Ken “Pooch” Van Druten, Billy Bush, and more.

Trust me when I say we hemmed and hawed over our best overall selection. Waves has multiple high quality channel strips modeled after much revered vintage units. But given the flexibility of Scheps Omni Channel, and its moderate price tag, we couldn’t think of a better starting point that this.

The fact that you can get several quality effects in one makes this our best overall selection.

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PuigTec EQs – Best Premium Option

PuigTec EQs – Best Premium Option

Based on rare and vintage hand-crafted Pultec EQ hardware, PuigTec EQs comes with two powerful equalization tools – the EQP-1A and the MEQ-5.

The EQP-1A allows for the same frequency to be boosted and cut at the same time, creating a resonant shelf in the process.

The MEQ-5 is a midrange equalizer, the perfect complement to the EQP-1A.

From adding punch to a kick drum to boosting the low end of a mix, these EQs should make for a great addition to your personal VST library.

Equalization is a practical must have for every mix, and a high quality EQ can help you achieve superior results. This is also basically a two-EQ bundle. It comes at a premium price tag as well. So, we couldn’t think of a better fit for our best premium selection.

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OneKnob Brighter – Best Budget Option

OneKnob Brighter – Best Budget Option

The one knob plugin is a concept that’s been around for a while. Since there is only one parameter to set, it makes finding that elusive “sweet spot” easy. Simply turn the dial until you’re satisfied with the result.

The concept behind Waves’ OneKnob Brighter is simple. This is a one-knob treble booster for injecting your tracks with some high-end life and brightness. It manages frequencies from mid-highs and above.

There are times when the only thing you need to do to put the finishing touches on your project is to make one track (like the guitar solo or vocals) cut through the mix. That’s where OneKnob Brighter could be your one stop shop.

To be fair, you might need to de-ess any track you brighten, but that’s a compromise well worth making if it takes your mix to the next level.

OneKnob Brighter is rated highly by users, and it’s an affordable selection. It only does one thing, but if that one thing is what you need, it’s a lovely deal. That makes OneKnob Brighter our best budget selection.

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SSL E-Channel

SSL E-Channel

Based on the Solid State Logic 4000-series console, Waves’ SSL E-Channel aims to set this hitmaking machine right at your fingertips to do with as you please, with a far more reasonable price tag than the original hardware.

The included EQ section takes after the 1983 Black Knob EQ developed by George Martin. It comes complete with a four-band parametric EQ, high pass filter, and low pass filter.

The SSL E-Channel comes highly recommended for impactful drum sounds, and it includes presets via mixer Chris Lord-Alge as well.

There isn’t a shortage of Waves channel strips, but this one is certainly up there in terms of what it can do.

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EMI TG12345 Channel Strip

EMI TG12345 Channel Strip

Yet another collaborative effort between Abbey Road Studios and Waves, the EMI TG12345 was the first EMI solid state console. Fortuitously, it ended up revolutionizing the sounds of the late 60s to early 70s – Pink Floyd and The Beatles, to name a couple.

With component modeling technology, the EMI TG12345 Channel Strip is faithful to the original, with an input mic preamp and its harmonic distortion, hum, noise, treble and bass EQ bands from the mic cassette, presence EQ band from the group / main section, spreader, and even its compressor / limiter.

This baby comes with deep routing options, and even some new additions – high pass filter on the compressor’s sidechain, mix control for the dynamics section (for parallel compression / limiting), drive, and more.

The EMI TG12345 Channel Strip is also very versatile. You can use it for mixing, mastering, in the studio, in live scenarios, on individual channels, on the master buss… you name it.

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Abbey Road REDD Consoles

Abbey Road REDD Consoles

Abbey Road REDD Consoles takes after the custom-made Abbey Road Studios consoles created by the Record Engineering Development Department (thus, REDD). Well known for their warmth, lush stereo imagery, and smooth EQ curves, these consoles are like no other.

In developing Abbey Road REDD Consoles, Waves meticulously modeled every aspect of the consoles – their tonal complexity, color, and character. And when I say consoles, I mean the REDD.17 (which can still be found at Abbey Road Studios), the REDD.37 (which is in the hands of Lenny Kravitz), and the REDD.51.

From adding punch to drums to adorning your guitars with some extra crunch, Abbey Road REDD Consoles is sure to be a welcome addition to your signal chain.

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Abbey Road TG Mastering Chain

Abbey Road TG Mastering Chain

Modeled after the very console used in Abbey Road’s mastering suites since the 70s – the EMI TG12410 – the Abbey Road TG Mastering Chain is a modular mastering chain with an input, tone, compressor / limiter, filter, and V.A.I. (spread) module.

Whether for mixing or mastering, all modules (besides input and output) are interchangeable and can be turned on or off depending on what you’re going for. This makes custom chains a breeze. And it also means the TG Mastering chain is effective on individual tracks, group busses, and even on the master.

The compressor module features two modes, as well as 48 dB / Oct linear-phase sidechain filters. Where the Original setting will give you a dirtier, more aggressive sound, the Modern Setting (not available on the console) gives you more transparency and clarity while maximizing loudness.

The TG Mastering Chain also comes with multiple monitoring modes (stereo / mono / left-right / mid-side) and processing modes (stereo / duo / MS).

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Cobalt Saphira

Cobalt Saphira

Designed as an advanced harmonics shaping tool for mixing and mastering, Cobalt Saphira was designed to confer analog warmth to your tracks.

And the best part? You get complete control over the finished product. Cobalt Saphira comes with a four-band EQ, edge and warmth controls for the harmonics, seven harmonics modes, and five tape speeds (for wow and flutter modulation).

Where the term “gluing” is usually reserved for the best compressors, this special entry lets you glue together your tracks before compression. And if you still need compression after the fact, no problem. With Cobalt Saphira, you can glue both sub-groups and masters, depending on what you need.

If you’re looking to add not just clarity and balance in your mixes but also want to add depth and dimension to your projects, this is the plugin you need.

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SSL G-Equalizer

SSL G-Equalizer

The SSL G-Equalizer is a four-band equalizer based on the SSL G Series EQ292. With a pre-boost dip, pre-cut rise, and broader Q, this sound sculptor allows for deeper customization than most. If there are any problems with your tracks or mixes, the SSL G-Equalizer should prove a reliable tool.

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H-EQ Hybrid Equalizer

H-EQ Hybrid Equalizer

H-EQ Hybrid Equalizer is a hybrid EQ. But what exactly does that mean? Well, in this case, it means it brings together the worlds of vintage and modern equalization processes into one, inspired by the best American and British consoles.

This gives you an incredible seven filter types per band (with an asymmetrical bell filter), keyboard graphic (click on the notes to select frequencies), MS mode, solo function (per parametric band), as well as a frequency spectrum analyzer with several display options.

To round things out, H-EQ Hybrid Equalizer also comes with H-EQ Lite for live use or any application requiring low CPU usage.

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Renaissance Equalizer

Renaissance Equalizer

A go-to for Grammy-winning engineers and producers, Waves’ Renaissance Equalizer is an analog style six-band paragraphic EQ, featuring vintage sounding curves, a real-time frequency analyzer, and variable filter types.

From additive to subtractive, audio repair to noise reduction, EQ is usually the first line of defense for audio enhancement and cleanup. Renaissance Equalizer is streamlined but powerful, allowing for precision frequency tweaking across six bands.

Additionally, Renaissance Equalizer comes with presets by various well-known engineers and producers, as well as three skin options – legacy, light, and dark – for personal customization.

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L1 Ultramaximizer

L1 Ultramaximizer

Waves’ L1 Ultramaximizer is a mixing and mastering powerhouse. It works as a high-resolution re-quantizer, lookahead peak limiter, and advanced level maximizer.

With a Legacy and Modern user interface, L1 Ultramaximizer also comes with true peak domain setting and automatic release control.

This baby can boost the level of the digital signal as well as the resolution of the final file. It can re-quantize 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24-bit outputs, and the limiter makes it possible to bring your track to production master levels – it includes dithering options too.

L1 Ultramaximizer is perfect for mixing and mastering music or multimedia.

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L2 Ultramaximizer

L2 Ultramaximizer

Waves’ L2 Ultramaximizer is a peak limiter / maximizer effect for mixing, mastering, and any other creative uses you might dream up.

With its level maximization, lookahead brickwall peak limiting, and ultra-high resolution, the L2 Ultramaximizer lets you create louder masters while maintaining absolute clarity.

L2 Ultramaximizer also includes manual and ARC Automatic Release Control, as well as IDR Increased Digital Resolution with ninth order noise shaping filter and double precision bit re-quantization and dither.

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CLA-2A Compressor / Limiter

CLA-2A Compressor / Limiter

Inspired by the game-changing electro-optical tube compressor of yore, the Teletronix LA-2A Classic Leveling Amplifier, the CLA-2A Compressor / Limiter offers a smooth, frequency-dependent sound that engineers have turned to on countless occasions to level up their mixes.

Use it on guitars, use it on bass, and throw it on the vocals too (if anything, especially the vocals). The plugin includes multiple presets via Chris Lord-Alge, so you shouldn’t be spending hours trying to find that elusive sweet spot.

Overall, CLA-2A Compressor / Limiter features compressor and limiter modes, a sidechain frequency filter, a zero-latency design, a mix control for parallel compression, and a trim control.

For all the times you need to bring a track to the forefront (like a vocal track or guitar solo), CLA-2A Compressor / Limiter shines.

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CLA-3A Compressor / Limiter

CLA-3A Compressor / Limiter

Inspired by the Teletronix LA-3A Classic Audio Leveler, the CLA-3A Compressor / Limiter takes after the things that made the original a fast favorite – its transparent compression curve, quick response, and subtle harmonic distortion.

The LA-3A became a fast favorite on guitars, bass, and vocals, and the CLA-3A is just as capable. Best of all, you can set up as many instances as you want, something you couldn’t do with the original.

The CLA-3A Compressor / Limiter comes with compressor and limiter modes, a sidechain frequency filter, zero latency, as well as mix and trim controls.

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SSL G-Master Buss Compressor

SSL G-Master Buss Compressor

The SSL 4000 G master buss center compressor console is a thing of legend, and Waves’ SSL G-Master Buss Compressor, not surprisingly, takes after the renowned hardware unit.

Complete with the sound that made the original so revered, Waves manages to capture the essence of the original’s IC input and twin VCA gain-reduction amplifier that made the original what it was.

Known best for its ability to glue tracks together, SSL G-Master Buss Compressor is highly usable when it comes to adding punch to percussion and drums, taming dynamic piano tracks, and more.

There are many mix “finishers” out there, but this one is well worth a look, especially if you don’t already have something like it in your VST arsenal. Sometimes a mix needs something extra to come to life, SSL G-Master Buss could be that something you’ve been searching for.

SSL G-Master Buss Compressor also comes with mix control (for parallel compression), trim control for level adjustment, and presets from Grammy-winning mixer Chris Lord-Alge. That’s great news, since it means you won’t be hunting endlessly for that hard to find “sweet spot.”

This compressor is an excellent choice for pop, rock, and just about any project requiring a punchy, “upfront” sound.

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Linear Phase Multiband Compressor

Linear Phase Multiband Compressor

Linear Phase Multiband Compressor takes advantage of multiple technologies to bring you a powerful and versatile effect – automatic makeup gain, adaptive thresholds, finite response filters, and user-definable bands with linear phase crossovers.

Linear Phase Multiband Compressor is great for mastering and for any application requiring high precision results.

Some producers even say Linear Phase Multiband Compressor will make your mixes sound better just by being on!

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API 2500

API 2500

Waves’ API 2500 is a dynamics processor / modeled vintage compressor with a dual channel design (which means you can have it function as two mono channels with a single compression setting). It comes with both feed back and feed forward compression capabilities.

Created in collaboration with API, the musical sounding compressor has a three-position thrust high-pass filter (switchable), variable link left and right channels, three variable link filter types, three compression modes (soft, medium, hard knee), and six release settings (one continuous, five fixed).

The latest version also includes a mix control (for parallel compression), and a trim control.

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The BSS DPR-402 dynamics processor became an instant classic in the 80s, and was used on countless records in multiple genres – dance, rock, hip-hop, and more.

Created in collaboration with BSS Audio, Waves ushers forth a new era for producers, where the processing power of the DPR-402 is available to anyone (where it previously wasn’t).

The DPR-402 can be used as a de-esser, compressor, or limiter. But where it really shines is in combining these processes, especially since you can selectively process specific parts of the audio band, while leaving the remainder untouched.

From general dynamic equalization and enhancement effects to narrow-band compression and low-frequency expansion, BSS DPR-402 begs to be used creatively and experimentally.

Waves added a few extras, just for good measure, including an MS matrix, mix control, noise control, gain reduction control, and separate L/R metering.

BSS DPR-402 also features 12 modes, two independent sidechains per channel, and auto mode.

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J37 Tape

J37 Tape

Created in collaboration with Abbey Road Studios, Waves’ J37 Tape is a tape saturator modeled after the same tape machine used on countless iconic 60s hits (e.g., The Beatles) – the Studer J37, a rare but much sought-after hardware unit.

Whether for adding warmth, character, bite, or even crunch, saturation is a must-have tool for every modern producer.

J37 Tape comes with multiple parameters for fine-tuning control – tape speed, noise, bias, saturation, as well as wow and flutter.

This baby also features three oxide tape formulas developed by EMI in the 60s and 70s, and a tape delay with three delay types, HP and LP filters, and more.

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Renaissance Vox

Renaissance Vox

Used by many Grammy-winning engineers, Renaissance Vox offers compression, limiting, gating, and level maximization, all from a convenient central command center.

There isn’t much to it, either – just three controls for compression, gating, and output gain. You might not expect something so simple to have so much power, but amazingly, it does.

The compressor, specifically, is a soft-knee compressor with auto makeup gain, and the noise gating function features gentle downward expanding technology.

Recent additions to the plugin include presets by notable producers like Michael Brauer and LuDiaz, as well as three UI skin options – legacy, light, and dark.

If you’re looking for a simple plugin that can add some sheen to your vocal tracks, Renaissance Vox is it.

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Renaissance Axx

Renaissance Axx

Renaissance Axx is a comprehensive dynamics processor for guitars and basses (and even synthesizers). Having trouble getting your guitars and basses to sound right in the mix? Throw this plugin on your axe channels and see what happens!

In case you’re wondering whether it’s really the magic pill it’s been hyped up to be, Renaissance Axx has been designed with efficiency and ease of use in mind. Just look at the UI. Do you see a whole bunch of parameters to play with? No, and that’s because the plugin does most of the heavy lifting for you.

It’s not a one trick pony either. Whether you’re looking to increase your attack or tame it, bring out the sound of the strings more, or otherwise, Renaissance Axx can help you draw out the right qualities in your guitar and bass tracks.

Take advantage of threshold, attack, and output gain controls to fine tune how you want your tracks to sound.

In total, Renaissance Axx is a compressor with fixed ratio, auto-release, and output limiter. It also comes with presets created by leading talent like Michael Brauer and Dave Pensado, as well as three skin options – legacy, light, and dark.

Don’t forget – you can also use it as a synth compression. It’s well worth experimenting with on other tracks too.

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H-Delay Hybrid Delay

H-Delay Hybrid Delay

Waves’ H-Delay Hybrid Delay is so much more than just a delay (although the term “hybrid” may have given that away).

This baby can deliver classic PCM-42 style effects – flanging, filtering, phasing, ping-pong delay, slap-back echo, and even tempo-sync with modulation.

H-Delay Hybrid Delay offers up to 3,500 ms of delay time, variable pitch delay time behavior, analog character, lo-fi modes, infinite feedback support, LFO-controlled pitch modulation, a tap pad, manual or sync to host BPM, and full MIDI support.

Overall, I find H-Delay to be very transparent. It adds something to your tracks without impacting your mixes negatively (meaning you shouldn’t have to go back and fix everything in your mix after you’ve applied the effect). Have a listen for yourself.

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Dorrough Stereo

Dorrough Stereo

Metering is especially crucial during the mastering process. Dorrough Stereo isn’t a singular entry, though, as it comes with an entire collection of Dorrough’s most popular loudness meters, including 40AES/EBU, 380D/340D, and 280D/240D.

Created in collaboration with Dorrough Electronics, this unit make it possible to monitor the loudness of stereo audio.

Dorrough Stereo features superfast peak response, sum and difference energies, left / right phase correlation, “overs” display, as well as peak and average levels display.

Whether as group / auxiliary meters, master output meters, or input meters, Dorrough Stereo can handle all metering and monitoring jobs you can throw at it.

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Electric 200 Piano

Electric 200 Piano

Waves creates many high-quality virtual effects, yes, but we certainly can’t forget about their virtual instruments either. Their Electric 200 Piano epitomizes what they’re capable of creating in this domain.

Taking after the Wurlitzer 200, Electric 200 Piano gives you instant access to the electric piano sounds that came to be associated with the likes of Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, Steely Dan, Queen, and Marvin Gaye, among others.

In developing Electric 200 Piano, Waves sampled two Wurlitzer 200s. Onboard, you’ll find a mix section (hammer, key up, mechanics), effects (tremolo, phaser, chorus, reverb, autopan), compressor, limiter, and amp.

Electric 200 Piano can be used as a standalone instrument or as a plugin in your Digital Audio Workstation. If you have any Electric 88 Piano presets, you can also use them with the Electric 200 Piano.

Discerning ears may pick out the minor flaws, but to my ears, Electric 200 Piano sounds stellar.

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What Should I Look For In A Waves VST Plugin?

Generally, you can’t go wrong with any of the entries found here. Waves creates high quality plugins in every category.

But so far as the above products are concerned, they have the distinction of being the best of the best. They’ve been rated top notch by hundreds if not thousands of users. You can rest assured knowing that you’re buying quality.

That said, you’re probably not going to be going down the list, adding every single one to your shopping cart, and checking out. Not only is that going to cost you a hefty sum, but you’re also going to end up with multiple EQs, compressors, channel strips, and so on, which you may not even need!

Sure, there is a time and a place for multiple EQs and compressors. I like having options myself. But sight unseen, you’re not going to have the best experience. You’re better off doing your research, identifying your needs, and settling on the few that are going to make the biggest difference for your projects right now.

So, what should you consider when shopping for a Waves VST plugin? This may appear a technical, complex issue, just as a brand-new producer would find the process of recording and mixing a daunting task!

Don’t worry – that’s why we’ve created this buying guide to help you on your journey. This should simplify things for you.

Here are the main things to consider when shopping for a Waves VST plugin:

  • Sound quality
  • Project requirements
  • Features
  • Budget

Now, let’s look at each so you’re crystal clear on what you should be looking for.

Sound Quality

Regardless of plugin type – virtual effect, virtual instrument, or otherwise, sound quality is always going to prove a key consideration.

We find that many Waves plugins do what they do in a very transparent, non-destructive way, which is good news to those who don’t want their effects to get in the way of their mixing efforts. Of course, as with most, Waves plugins can be pushed to extreme for more coloration, if that’s more to your liking.

When it comes to sound quality, though, those three words I just said – “to your liking” are more important than you might think! Why is that?

Well, it’s easy to get caught up in the hype, reviews, ratings, testimonials, and so forth without doing the work of examining the product for yourself. How do you know if something’s good if you’ve never taken the time to listen to it? Or, more importantly, how do you know if it’s going to work for you?

The answer is you don’t.

So, there are two points to be made here:

The first is that we recommend checking out the plugins for yourself. There are multiple video demos / reviews out there, so this should not prove a Herculean task.

The second is to be mindful of your own needs. Yes, a recommendation from a celebrity mixer or engineer is always nice, but at the end of the day, you’re the one that’s going to be using the plugin. You’d better be certain it’s something that’s going to work in your workflow and studio ecosystem.

Which is why the following is also important…

Project Requirements

A couple dozen plugins may seem like a lot to choose from. But even with all the available options, we can cut to the core of the issue by assessing your current needs.

Interested in upgrading your EQ? The are many Waves EQs that should prove superior alternatives to your DAW’s stock effects.

Do you need a better compressor? There are more than a few featured in this guide.

Channel strips? There are plenty to choose from. Waves might be one of the most prolific producers of channel strips!

The temptation might be to upgrade all your plugins at once. If you have the budget to do it, that’s fine, but if you’re a little short on cash right now, we don’t recommend it (also see the Budget section later in this guide).

Technically, you can keep improving your skills without buying more plugins, so that might be a good thing to keep in mind, especially if you’re not flush with cash right now.

Other than that, though, it’s worth considering – what’s the greatest need you have in your music production workflow right now? What plugin would make the biggest difference to your mixes? What’s an area where you’ve been settling for inferior effects or instruments where you’re ready for something new?

Your answers to these questions should prove insightful and help guide the buying process as well.


As with sound quality, you simply can’t write off features as being an important buying consideration.

You can’t compare an EQ to a compressor or a channel strip to an electric piano, but if you know what you’re looking for, it can certainly speed up the buying process (e.g., “I would love an EQ with at least six bands plus low pass and high pass filters,” etc.).

Basically, you can filter out plugins based on what they don’t have that you think you may need.

There’s something to be said for simplicity and complexity as well. This certainly doesn’t mean one is better than the other. The simplest plugins do tend to be more affordable, while the more complex ones tend to be more expensive. This is a generalization, however, so it doesn’t always ring true.

But it is a good thing to think about. Do you want a plugin that does most of the heavy lifting for you? Do you want one that lets you tweak to the nth degree? Something in between? There are options to satisfy every whim.

I know it may seem like I’m talking around the issue of feature set, but with there being as many plugin types as there are in this guide, pinpointing the right features won’t be an exact science.

Don’t worry, though, because if you still haven’t got it figured out, you may only need to consider…


Yes, we know there are a couple dozen plugins featured here. And while a single purchase in the $50 to $300 range probably isn’t going to send you into financial turmoil, it’s still best to consider your budget alongside whatever needs you may have on a production level.

Keep in mind that four plugins at $300 is going to run you $1,200. That’s a substantial amount to drop in one sitting. You may be able to take advantage of some first-time buyer discounts if you’re not already a Waves customer, but even then, promotions can lead to spending more than you initially planned to.

That’s what makes your priority list especially important. Having identified the VST plugins you need and how you intend to use them, you should always prioritize which effects or instruments you need now, and those you can leave until later.

This comes with the admonition to avoid going into debt for music production related purchases. It’s unnecessary, and it can put undue financial pressure on you. So, plan well and spend responsibly. Most importantly, enjoy your new purchases.

Top Waves Plugins, Final Thoughts

Whether it’s virtual effects or virtual instruments, Waves makes a lot of good stuff. Some of their plugins even boast a degree of interconnectivity, so that can be an exciting possibility, especially if you plan to assimilate into their product ecosystem.

Another great thing about Waves is that they always seem to have some great sales going on, especially if you’re a first-time buyer. So be sure to take advantage of entry-level pricing, and if available, discounts on multiple purchases early on (e.g., spend a certain amount of money for one to three free plugins).

Once you’ve got everything you need, it’s time to get to mixing! Having great tools is important, but skill and experience still matter a lot when it comes to producing music people love. Have fun and let us know how it goes!

P.S. Remember though, none of what you've learned will matter if you don't know how to get your music out there and earn from it. Want to learn how to do that? Then get our free ‘5 Steps To Profitable Youtube Music Career' ebook emailed directly to you!

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