31 Best Songs About Finding Yourself

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12. “Grow As We Go” by Ben Platt  

Song Year: 2019

In contrast to some of the other songs about finding yourself on this list, “Grow As You Go” is about two people learning and growing together.

As discussed, people aren’t islands. We don’t exist in a void, so there’s no reason that self-discovery has to happen in isolation.

“Grow As You Go” starts with one speaker urging the others to take time for themselves and find out who they are. But they reply that they can do that as easily, and maybe better, with their partner beside them.

So, the couple embarks on a journey of self-discovery and expression together. It’s a complicated, sometimes messy process, but the rewards are worth the challenges they faced together.

13. “Lose You To Love Me” by Selena Gomez 

Song Year: 2019

Selena Gomez’s ballad about finding yourself is also a thoughtful and moving commentary on the damage toxic relationships do to the people in them.

The song was an immediate hit with fans and successful with critics. Everyone praised the lyrics. They pair beautifully with Gomez’s compelling lyrics. It’s an unflinching look at the work involved in integrating our traumas into daily life. It’s also a haunting melody that isn’t afraid to give the vocal line the space it needs to shine.

14. “This Is Me” by Keala Settle 

Song Year: 2017

Most people remember “This Is Me” from its pivotal role in the film The Greatest Showman. In the context of the film, it became an anthem for embracing who you were and ceasing to hide from the world.

Even out of context, it’s a compelling song about finding yourself. It explores the courage it takes to ignore other people’s opinions and be unapologetically true to yourself. The song recognizes that for many people, that can be terrifying. But it also tells us it’s a risk worth taking for a happier, more honest life.

15. “Pin-Up Daddy” by Rett Madison   

Song Year: 2021

Rett Madison’s song “Pin-Up Daddy” is one of the more recent songs about finding yourself on this list.

What makes it stand out is its focus on dissecting society’s gender-normative approach to men and women.

The speaker struggles to reconcile her love of suits with her history as a beauty pageant queen. It’s not until she integrates both sides of her personality into who she is that she starts feeling comfortable in her own skin.

It has a propulsive beat and a crooning melody that makes an immediate impression. The vocals flirt with wailing without ever overstepping the mark, and the result is a compelling, anguished exploration of what womanhood means for this speaker.

16. “Always True To You (Darlin’ In My Fashion)” by Nancy Anderson   

“Always True To You (Darlin’ In My Fashion)” by Nancy Anderson

Song Year: 2001

Cole Porter was famous for his witty lyrics. They’re cheeky and full of wordplay, and that’s no less true of “Always True to You” than it is of his other songs.

What’s immediately charming about “Always True to You” is its presentation of a woman who is unapologetically herself. She is confident in her skin and isn’t afraid to take it. Sometimes that comes at the expense of the people around her, but she’s inarguably living a happy, full life.

It’s a fast-paced, jazzy number with a melody as playful as the lyrics. In this version, listen to the sudden swoops and sweeps of the orchestra. They give an already vivacious song an extra verve.

17. “Maker of My Time by The Paper Kites   

Song Year: 2012

“Maker of My Time” is an excellent modern folk song about finding yourself. It has a catchy beat supporting a more mellow melody.

That’s appropriate because the lyrics tackle how challenging accepting who we are can be. It’s difficult to see anything but faults, foibles, and various failings, and that quickly becomes demoralizing.

Ultimately, it’s an optimistic song. It might take effort, but if you put in the time and work, you will emerge as a stronger, better, and more likable person than the one that embarked on that mission of self-discovery.

18. “My Way” by Frank Sinatra   

Song Year: 1968

This song about finding yourself is the perfect companion to “Always True to You.” It lacks the jazzy flare of Cole Porter’s number, but that doesn’t stop it from being terrific fun.

It’s another depiction of a speaker who is comfortable in their own skin. As the refrain reminds us, they never hesitate to go through life however suits them best.

It’s a slow, sentimental crooner’s song, and it’s wonderful for dancing, weddings, and anniversaries. But it’s also a more relaxed musical reminder to be true to yourself. Even if you come away with a few regrets, you’ll have less than if you spent your life prevaricating.

19. “High Hopes” by Frank Sinatra   

Song Year: 1959

Another lesser-known Sinatra song that has lots to say about finding yourself is “High Hopes.”

The song appeared on a 1959 album released by Sinatra, and it’s full of fable-style verses that recount the misadventures of various willful animals. It’s a bit silly, and it’s full of playful sound effects.

Once you get past the whimsy, it’s a song about the challenge of staying true to yourself, even when the odds are stacked against you. People may not agree with what you want to do or the choices you make. But that’s no reason not to stay true to yourself.

The song’s optimistic refrain reminds us that if you remain true to yourself and your ambitions, there’s no greater reward than success.

20. “Standing In The Way” by Anthony Stewart Head    

Song Year: 2001

In discussing songs about finding yourself, we’ve mentioned the importance of other people. “Standing In The Way” offers a variation on that theme.

It’s a song about finding yourself that explores the painful truth that sometimes the people we love can stop us from maturing.

That’s because it can be comforting to rely on parents and loved ones for what we need. But we won’t always have those people with us, and letting go is an integral part of finding yourself. It forces you to make your own choices, even when they feel difficult.

21. “Two Worlds Away” by Nina Nesbitt    

Song Year: 2014

Nina Nesbitt’s song “Two Worlds Away” is all about the painful process of finding yourself, and specifically the first agonizing years of teenagerdom.

One of its central themes is how different the woman she is now is different from the young, awkward girl she used to be. But it also discusses how we never stop trying to find ourselves. People are perpetually changing, and much as we wish it got easier, the most important and defining moments feel every bit as painful as they did when we were teenagers.

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