What Is Music Industry How To

What Is The Life Cycle Of A Band? The Potential Future Of Your Group Revealed

One of the most interesting things about the music industry is the different musical paths that artists and bands end up on. Depending on your upbringing, you may or may not have known people who played music their entire lives. People go about it in a variety of different ways. There are many stages in…

How To Settle Disagreements In Your Band Or Group

How To Settle Disagreements In Your Band Or Group

As I’m sure you know, if you hang out with anyone long enough, you’ll eventually get into some sort of disagreement with them. This problem is sometimes exacerbated tenfold when you’re in a band with them. Something about the intense shared experiences, creative process, and the ties that art has on people’s ego and pride,…

How To Encourage Fans To Support Local Music

How To Encourage Fans To Support Local Music, And The Benefit Of Doing So

Today, music is available in abundance. There simply is no shortage, and access isn’t a problem either. People can listen to their favorite music, to their heart’s content, either for free or for a low monthly fee. And while your geographical location can factor into your viability as an artist, the world is a much…

Tips for getting music support acts on tour

How To Find Other Musicians To Support You On Tour

Amanda Palmer completed her famous Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign with nearly $1.2 million. Shortly thereafter, she headed out on tour. Here’s what she did right: she recruited local musicians to perform with her at each stop on the tour. Here’s what went wrong: she didn’t pay those musicians. As result, she received a lot of negative…

What To Do When One Band Or Group Member Is Getting Most Of The Workload

What To Do When One Band Or Group Member Is Getting Most Of The Workload

This is a topic I’ve wanted to cover for a while, as it’s one that I know a lot of musicians go through. You’re part of either a band or group of musicians, who probably came together for the love of the music. But when it comes to certain essential tasks (think marketing, arranging practice…