How Many Band Members Do You Need?

How Many Band Members Do You Need? We Discuss The Optimum Number

These days, there is no magic number of band members or magic combination of instruments that makes up a successful band. There are bands that make it work with just two people and bands that make a success out of touring with entire ensembles and diverse orchestration. It comes down to what you require to…

How Many Fans Do You Need To Fund A Full-Time Music Career

How Many Fans Do You Need To Fund A Full-Time Music Career? [Hypothetical]

How tough is it to make a living in music, exactly? The correct answer is “it depends.” It depends on your strategy, your execution/work ethic and your mindset. These are the three variables you have control over – everything else is a moving target. Interestingly, getting a handle on what you can control – and…

Should You Give Up On Music?

Giving Up On Music, Should You Quit Your Dream Music Career?

No matter how much you enjoy your creativity and passion, there will be times when you feel like giving up. When you decide on a direction for your career or life, the universe will test you. It will throw everything at you to see whether you’ll stay committed. Many people give up when the challenges…

My Family Doesn't Support My Music

My Family Doesn’t Support My Music, What Can I Do About It?

You’ve found your passion. You’re ready to embark upon a magical journey with your music. But your family doesn’t support you. They don’t want you wasting your life on something you can’t make money at. Or, maybe they want you to become a lawyer, doctor or attorney. They want you to make a “real” contribution…

A Powerful Introduction To Music Entrepreneurship

Music Entrepreneurship, A Powerful Introduction To Being A Musician And Business Entrepreneur

I’d like to share a little about my latest mini-book, The Essential Guide to Music Entrepreneurship: 2018 Edition. In 2011, I had an awakening. I’d started and ran a couple of businesses up until that point. But as I look back, I can see that I had no idea what I was doing. I didn’t…

Things About The Music Industry I Wish Someone Told Younger Me

10 Things About The Music Industry I Wish Someone Told Younger Me

So, full disclosure, I am still a young person in the industry. I would hardly call myself an expert, and I wouldn’t call myself a veteran either. That said, I’ve had the opportunity to experience some amazing things while in music, and I’ve certainly learned a lot. In fact, every six months, it’s like I…

Why You Need To Be Both Stubborn & Adaptive To Build The Music Career Of Your Dreams

Why You Need To Be Both Stubborn & Adaptive To Build The Music Career Of Your Dreams

There are three types of artists. There are those who are stubborn. They refuse to change, even in the face of rapid technological advancement. They don’t purchase ads. They don’t tweak their live show. They’re determined to blaze a trail whether it kills their career or not. Then are those who are extremely adaptive, and…