How much does a music video cost to make?

How Much Do Music Videos Cost To Make? Independent To Mainstream

Thinking about making a music video? Not sure what the costs are going to be? This is one of those cases where looking before leaping is in your best interest, especially if you’re an independent artist. So, let’s look at the cost of independent and mainstream music videos, factors affecting the cost of music videos,…

Best Bone Conduction Headphones

10 Best Bone Conduction Headphones 2025

The problem with typical headphones and earbuds is that they aren’t designed for exercise. Plus, they make it harder to hear what’s occurring in your surroundings, which is a safety hazard, especially for joggers, bikers, skiers, and the like. Bone conduction headphones are an eloquent solution to a long-standing problem, and in this guide, we…

How To Sing Louder

How To Sing Louder Without Cracking Or Straining Your Voice

Pitch. Tone. Technique. Singers have many areas to address on their journey to becoming better versions of themselves. Many singers will come to the point of wanting to sing louder or project more. This is an essential skill to learn, but learning to project without cracking, straining, or otherwise hurting your voice can prove a…

Spotify’s Changes in Royalty Rates

How Do Spotify’s 2024 Changes in Royalty Rates Affect Independent Artists?

Time for some more royalty payment news! Most independent musicians releasing music today understand that the music industry itself is fundamentally flawed in its use of archaic business practices in today’s digital age. We agree to the industry’s terms and conditions every time that we release new music on streaming platforms.  With Spotify’s proposed changes…

What Is A Guitar?

What Is A Guitar?

The guitar is one of the most popular – if not the most popular – instruments in existence. Name just about any rock band, and you will find that 99% of their songs feature the guitar prominently. But what family of instruments to the guitar belong to? Where did the guitar come from? What types…

What Is A Ukulele?

What Is A Ukulele?

The ukulele has become strongly associated with island music and is sometimes thought of as a small guitar. But where, exactly, did the ukulele come from? What family of instruments does it belong to? What is a ukulele, anyway? In this guide, we answer the question, “what is a ukulele?”

Songs With A Profession In The Title

31 Best Songs With A Profession In The Title

What do you do for a living? Doctor? Teacher? Spy? No matter your profession or occupation, there is likely a song written about it. So many artists across music genres find inspiration from various jobs, professions, and previous employment experiences. Song titles that reference an occupation appear in country, hip-hop, heavy metal, folk, punk, R&B…

Best Songs About Motorbikes

31 Best Songs About Motorbikes

It’s time to get your motor running. Motorbikes and motorcycles are iconic symbols that many musicians have used to express their feelings throughout the years.From the 60s to today, rock stars use motorcycles to express freedom, life on the road, and their rebellious nature. If you’re ready to head out on the highway, here are…