Paying to play in the music industry

Don’t Pay To Play! Here’s How To Get Paid To Play Bigger Shows Instead

Whether artists should “pay to play” or not isn’t a new conversation. I’ve been a part of discussions about it online and off, and have read many articles covering many different opinions on the topic. I’ve seen the model take various forms. I’ve heard of artists getting completely ripped off and being asked to pay…

Where to get professional band photos

Professional Band Photos, Do Musicians REALLY Need Them?

As someone who works around musicians a lot, there are a few mistakes which I commonly see made. One of those mistakes is not getting professional band photos made up. Many instead opt for photos taken on their iPhone, or their mate’s consumer camera. While these often aren’t the worse quality images with today’s technology,…

Get your album reviewed local press coverage

How To Get Local Press Coverage For Musicians And Others

Landing press coverage can be a daunting task. You know it’s an important component to promoting and marketing your career, but compared to the other marketing strategies required of being an independent musician, it can feel like this one in particular takes up the most time. And has the least amount of results, especially when…

Game changing networking techniques in the music industry

How To Network Game Changing Connections In The Music Industry

Remember that old saying, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” In an industry like the music business ran by negotiations with hustlers, smooth talkers, hand shakes, co-signs, politics, and popularity contests – that old saying couldn’t ring more true. However, I’d argue that what you know directly impacts who you know. But…

Music business tools for Musicpreneur

The Musicpreneur’s Toolkit: 7 Tools For Managing A Musicpreneur Business

Today we’re going to look at 7 top tools for musicians and those in the music business. This guide should be useful for all musicpreneurs. But before we do that, we need to ask: what is a musicpreneur? At a surface level the term is pretty self explanatory: it’s a combination of a musician and…

Dont do these things when making a music website examples

7 Common And Fatal Website Mistakes To Avoid For Musicians

A website is an essential asset for an independent music artist to have. Without a strategically planned and executed web design you’re missing out on opportunities to strengthen loyalty and retention with your existing audience, and to gain new fans. Not to mention you’re missing out on opportunities to make more money. The problem is…