Practice Palm Muting And Why Guitar Players Need To

How To Do Palm Muting On Guitar, And Why You’d Want To

Palm muting is a technique you can use to dampen and deaden the strings on your guitar. From a more general perspective, muting is an important part of guitar playing, and oftentimes both the right and left hands are used to mute in different ways at different times. Palm muting, however, is essentially a picking…

Bad and ineffective marketing in the music industry with examples

4 Worst Marketing Campaigns You Could Do As A Musician, AVOID THESE!

Music needs to be distributed and promoted. Without this two-step process, you have no hope of connecting with your audience and driving interest and sales. The problem is that you have to be smart about your marketing. You have to understand your target audience, carefully craft your message, and put an organized plan in place…

Improving your speed on guitar

How To Improve Guitar Playing Speed, Get Lighting Quick Fingers And Mind

Most guitarists, at some point, decide that they want to be able to play fast. I can definitely relate to this. In my formative years, I spent a lot of time working on my rhythm guitar chops, so while I was pretty creative and even adaptive in my approach to writing and playing riffs, my…

Music industry and business apps

8 Top Smart Phone Apps For Musicians – Android And iPhone Covered

Smart phone apps have grown in popularity in just about every industry and profession. They can help you capture ideas, track progress, and be more productive with your time, even when you don’t have access to a computer. But there is one major downside – or danger – to getting hooked on apps. You can…

How to improvise on guitar tutorial

How To Improvise On Guitar And Get Better – A Beginner’s Guide

The ability to improvise is incredibly valuable. Not all pros can do it well or even do it at all, so you probably won’t hurt your chances at success if you can’t, but there is a certain confidence that can come from knowing that you can jump into any musical situation and add something complementary…

A good routine for those in the industry of music

Daily Routine For Musicians – Do You Have These Good Habits?

In today’s world, hard work, hustle and entrepreneurship are trendy. But I believe a lot of people are rolling the dice on their health, relationships and life for want of fame, fortune, or other prospects. If you’re working 16-hour days in front of a computer, failing to exercise and eat well, and not getting enough…

Improve Riffs Harmonies And Intervals Using Double Stops

Double Stops For Guitarists – Doing More With Riffs, Harmonies, Intervals

When you really think about it, double stops are incredible tools on the guitar. You can write entire riffs and solos with double stops. You can supplement a single-note melody with a harmony. You can play through difficult passages of music by playing a couple of relevant notes in place of challenging chord shapes. So…