How much does a music video cost to make?

How Much Do Music Videos Cost To Make? Independent To Mainstream

Thinking about making a music video? Not sure what the costs are going to be? This is one of those cases where looking before leaping is in your best interest, especially if you’re an independent artist. So, let’s look at the cost of independent and mainstream music videos, factors affecting the cost of music videos,…

What Is The YouTube Official Artist Channel

What Is The YouTube Official Artist Channel, And What Should Musicians Be Doing About It?

On January 23rd of 2018, YouTube introduced its brand-new YouTube Official Artist Channel. These channels are designed specifically for musical artists. These channels set out to merge multiple accounts into one main “Official Artist Channel”. In the past, artists had separate Vevo accounts, an artist account, and often their videos would get posted on their…

How To Make Lyric Videos For Youtube On Your Mac Or PC

How To Make Lyric Videos For Youtube On Your Mac Or PC

Video content is the name of the game in 2017, but creating it can be exhausting, time-intensive, and financially draining. Making full-budget music videos is simply not affordable for anyone but the highest-earning indie performers. People are always looking for new, low-cost ways to create content, but sometimes falling back on a tried and true…

Using blue screens in music videos

Using A Green Screen To Make Your Music Videos Out Of This World!

Have you ever wondered how some musicians get cool special effects in their videos? Maybe they’ve inserted a background to make it look like they’re in space, or maybe they have text flying past them with a plain but strong colored background. Here’s an example of what I’m talking about: The above effects and more…

Making A Music Video With Pictures From Home, What Software You’ll Need!

Making A Music Video With Pictures From Home, What Software You’ll Need!

Music videos are awesome tools for promoting a release – old or new. But maybe you don’t have the budget to be able to do a lyric video or traditional music video. Or, maybe you just want to try something a little different. Despite what you might think, it is possible to create a great…

Ways to get more Youtube video views for musicians

Musicians, How To Increase Views For Your YouTube Videos

So you’ve decided to start building your presence on YouTube. Maybe you’ve even been posting videos for a while. But you don’t seem to be getting any kind of traction. Your videos are only getting a few views, and no matter how many times you post something new, it seems like you aren’t getting anywhere….