Best Songwriters

41 Best Songwriters

Songwriters are often the people behind the scenes in the music industry. Sure, some also sing and get in front of the spotlight. But many are never known to listeners, instead simply being credited in the small print and other places most don’t look. So today, we’ve decided to showcase the best songwriters ever.

Highest Paid DJs In The World

15 Highest Paid DJs In The World 2025

Every year, well-known magazines and financial statisticians publish lists of the most successful representatives of a professional group. In addition to many other professions, DJs have also been well-represented for several years. Every year, the highest-earning and richest DJs in the world are revealed. They sometimes collect unbelievable sums for their performances, but the DJs…

Greatest Hip-hop Bootleggers

9 of the Greatest Hip-Hop Bootleggers Ever

When you hear of bootlegging, you probably have in mind the transportation or sale of illegal liquor. The term also can refer to the sale of illegal versions of copyrighted products. Well, for the music industry, record labels hated bootleggers. Fans, on the other hand absolutely loved them. These “illegal” contraptions played quite an essential…