Revealed! Learn The Little-Known Strategies To Getting Your First 500+ Youtube Subscribers & Profiting, Even If You’re Currently At 0!

Profitable Video Musician Course 3D Mock Up

by SHAUN LETANG OF music industry how to, AS SEEN IN (AMONG OTHERS):

Music Industry How To - As Seen On PVM

Update: This training can now be taken 100% at home!

Do you struggle to get people subscribing to your Youtube channel?

Find you have to practically beg people to watch your videos once released, even though you make great music?

Are you spending a lot more to make music videos than you earn back from them?

If you can answer yes to any one of the above, it’s not your fault. Chances are you’re following a similar Youtube path to most musicians, but unfortunately, one that rarely works.

If you’ve ever tried to research how to get more views on Youtube, you’ve likely been told to:

  • Make sure you put out good quality music videos.
  • Create some playlists and add your video on there.
  • Share your videos socially.
  • Etc.

While these things can help on a small scale, they’re not what’s going to really help get your videos out there. The flaw in the above logic being:

Traditional music videos aren’t what’s going to get you known as an independent musician on Youtube!

Think about it. Have you ever seen a really good video from someone in your genre you know, yet this video doesn’t get more than a few hundred, or max a few thousand views? I know I have, in fact I see this all the time.

While traditional music videos are great and play a part in a much bigger strategy, if you want to build a solid fanbase on YouTube and profit, you’ll need to do things drastically differently.

So what is it you’ll have to do? Well, this is what I share with you in my Profitable Video Musician course.


Profitable Video Musician Course 3D Mock Up

The ‘Profitable Video Musician’ is a step by step online video course. It’ll take you from your current position, to someone who has the knowledge to create a profitable and fan-filled Youtube based music career.

Forget everything you’d learned about Youtube so far. Forget what you think a modern musician needs to do to be successful without a record label. I’m going to show you a proven music business plan that is blowing every other strategy out of the water right now.

And the best thing? 99.99+% of musicians don’t even know this exists! Which means there’s a whole lot less competition out there for you.

I’m confident that with this training, if you have talent and apply exactly what I teach, you can build a solid foundation for a successful music career.

Why Build A Youtube Based Music Career In The Way I Teach:

Remember, I’m not telling you to create music videos and put them on Youtube. This training shows you how to stand out from the crowd with more unique, but often easy to make videos. Video that you can create once, twice or three times a week on a low (or even non-existent) budget. Videos that fans will thank you for and binge watch like crazy!!

The benefits of this being:

  • There’s far less competition. Instead of competing with the tens or hundreds of thousands of other musicians in your genre, you’re doing something completely new. So you’ve a much better chance of standing out.
  • It’s easier to monetize. Even if you’re not good at selling, due to the larger amount of traffic you can get when using this strategy, monetization methods such as ads and streams can bring in a full-time income. And if you start incorporating more traditional ways of monetizing your music on top of that, with the amount of eyeballs you can get, the potential earnings are very lucrative.
  • It’s also easier to build loyal fans. The kind of videos I teach you to make incorporate strategic doses of your personality, meaning that people don’t only connect with your music, but also with you on a personal level. This leads to much more loyal, long lasting fans.
  • You’ll have the potential to do music full time faster. By far, this path of making a career from your music is the one I’ve seen to be most successful. If you simply release music on iTunes and Spotify like everyone else, you’re just one in a sea of many. Yes you may make good music, but so do thousands of others in your genre. You could do everything right to promote your music, but it’s still a roulette as to whether or not you ever go full time with it. If however you go down the Profitable Video Musician route, you’ll instantly increased your chance of making it tenfold. I’ve said it before; right now there isn’t much competition, but there is a lot of potential reward.

This Training Will Teach You To:

  • Get your first 500+ subscribers using cutting edge promotional tactics.
  • Monetize your Youtube audience & profitably create videos.
  • Build your Youtube channel into a platform you can base your whole music career off.
  • Create a unique and fan catching ‘Music Tag On’ that’ll help you stand out from the millions of other musicians in the world.
  • Create unique, potentially viral video types that most musicians didn’t even know was a thing.
  • Setup or rebrand your Youtube channel in the optimum way for additional fan discovery.
  • Hire an editor and / or a videographer, IF you decide you don’t want to do those things yourself.
  • Work the Youtube algorithm so they push your video a lot more than you could alone… for free!
  • Come up with keywords that’ll help your videos get discovered by new and targeted fans.
  • And much, much more…

All of these lessons and more come together to help you create a profitable Youtube channel you can use to launch video after video to new and existing fans. Once you understand what a successful Youtube channel looks like (most musicians don’t) you’ll be able to start confidently creating videos that will help you reach your music related goals.

Even though I share powerful strategies in this course that will help you build a solid platform for your music career, I make this training easy to understand, even if you’ve never uploaded to Youtube before. Working with musicians for the last 10+ years has allowed me to explain things in a way that’s super easy to grasp; you’re going to be surprised about how easy you can take in the information I share.

Here’s what some other independent musicians who have been through the course have to say about the experience:

Mella Profitable Video Musician Testimonial pic

I’ve taken other Youtube courses before and they were fine, but they were geared more to just Youtube in general. So this one was very helpful because it’s geared specifically toward musicians trying to get their music out there. And that is not something I have seen done, or done well, so this was a very helpful course for that.
It really does walk you through step by step from the very beginning.

Mella; Session singer, songwriter & voiceover artist.
923 subscribers and counting.
Profitable Video Musician member.

Will Black Profitable Video Musician Testimonial pic

It’s a fantastic resource for those of you out there looking for a way to engage new and current members of your fanbase using Youtube.

Will Black; earning (professional) guitarist and singer. 
4210 subscribers and counting.

Profitable Video Musician member.


Important note: While the below may sound simple & like something that most musicians are already doing, please don’t be fooled by that notion. As you dive into the 10+ hours of video content over 8 modules, you’ll soon see the difference between what’s taught in this training, compared to what most struggling Youtube musicians do.

This training will take you step by step through everything you’ll need to do to create your channel and get your first 500+ subscribers. Most musicians aren’t using these strategies, and most get average results at best.

Module 1: Getting Your ‘Music Tag On’

Get your unique stand out angle.

While all of these modules work together and no part can be missed, this is probably the game changing module in this course. In it I’ll show you what ‘Music Tag On’ is, why it’s key if you want to succeed on Youtube as a musician, and how to find the perfect one. 99%+ musicians don’t do this, and they’re missing out on additional fans & revenue because of it.

Module 1 - Profitable Video Musician Course
Module 2 - Profitable Video Musician Course

Module 2: What Makes A great Video

Discover the workings of a highly shareable video.

Here we look at what makes a great video. I show the 12 styles of video you could be creating that will actually gain you new fans. This is as opposed to just music videos, which largely keeps your existing fans entertained, but won’t really get you many new ones.

Module 3: Channel Set Up Or Rebrand

Set up your platform in a way that maximizes results.

In this module we look at how to either rebrand your existing Youtube channel, or create a new one. Once you learn how powerful the above-mentioned Music Tag On strategy is, most likely you’ll be itching to rebrand right away. 🙂

Module 3 - Profitable Video Musician Course
Module 4 - Profitable Video Musician Course

Module 4: Getting Your First Video Made (Also Useful For Future Videos)

Go from recording, to editing, to finished video.

Next we look at how to get your first (and future) potentially viral videos made. Whether you want to do everything yourself or you want to hire outside help, we show you the most strategic way to get started with both regardless of budget.

Module 5: Your Content Publishing Schedule

Systemize your video creation and publishing for ease.

Module 5 helps you get your content publishing schedule in order. This is very important, as putting out good quality content at key moments is vital to your channel growing faster. We even give you some templates to make creating a schedule much easier!

Module 5 - Profitable Video Musician Course
Module 6 - Profitable Video Musician Course

Module 6: Monetizing Your Youtube Channel

Earn from your video views and become profitable.

This is the one many get excited about: module 6 is all about making money from your channel! 😀
Yes you want a bunch of fans and views, but none of that will mean much if you’re not earning from your videos. In this module we deep dive into the best ways you can make money from Youtube, and help you decide which is best for you. Some of the income sources will probably surprise you.

Module 7: Video Uploading And Optimization

Give your videos the best chance of getting shared by Youtube.

These lessons are all about getting your first video(s) up, and how to optimize them for the best chance of success. There are things you can do to maximize the chance your videos are promoted by Youtube to reach as many people as possible. Here we show you what those are. Many musicians don’t do this step, and their really good video ends up flopping! Don’t make that mistake.

Module 7 - Profitable Video Musician Course
Module 8 - Profitable Video Musician Course

Module 8: Building Your Audience, Brand, And Getting Subscribers (Video Marketing)

Get your videos seen & increase your fanbase.

Lastly, module 8. Here we show you how to build your audience, get more subscribers, and grow your brand (video marketing). What you’ll learn here will help you get your videos seen by the right people. This is your turbo button for success and shouldn’t be ignored.

The above is just a glimpse of what you’ll learn. We dive deep in each of the above modules and give lots of game changing advice on how to set yourself up the right way. Once you start implementing what we teach you’ll feel like your music career has been put on easy mode. Of course you’ll still need to put in the work and time to making yourself a success. But by doing things right the first time around, you’ll save a lot of time and start seeing results much sooner than without this training.


While the lessons I give in this course contain lots of valuable information, I know sometimes it’s not always easy to know where to start when putting things into practice. That’s why not only will I be updating the content over time to better help students, I’ve also provided ‘Next Steps’ action points at the end of each module.

These will show you what you need to implement next to start moving forward. As long as you carry out all of these steps you can be confident you’re on the right path.

Cellomoji Profitable Video Musician Testimonial pic

Shaun really knew how to address a lot of issues we’re all concerned about [as musicians]. Like how to be unique, how to stand out, and what makes people want to watch you more than someone else who’s playing the same instrument as you.

Liz; cello player & teacher.
363 subscribers and counting.

Profitable Video Musician member.

Rudebone Profitable Video Musician Testimonial pic

I recommend this course. There’s a lot of good examples there; there’s a lot of [study] materials and resources. So crack on!

Rudebone; viral Tik Tok artist with Afrobeats song 'Bandana' (millions of Tik Tok views & over 850,887 Youtube views).
1790 subscribers and counting.

Profitable Video Musician member.

The Alternatives When Building A Thriving Youtube Based Music Career

While I initially planned to talk about the alternatives to this training so you can decide if it’s right for you, to be honest there are no real alternatives that offer what I am here today. There’s:

  • University or college. $40,000+ per year for 4 years. Not Youtube related, more suited for those who want to follow the much slower traditional music route (not recommended).
  • Other Youtube related online courses. $600 - $2000. Not specific to musicians, so not a relevant path to follow.

With the Profitable Video Musicians training however, we fix all those problems and more. First of all:

  • This training is delivered over 8 weeks, not 4 years.
  • Once the 8 weeks is up you’ve access to the lessons for life (great for referring back to and ongoing study).
  • You get lifetime updates. I aim to keep this course relevant and working for years to come.
  • My teaching style is a friendly one; I aim to have it feeling like I’m sitting by your side helping a friend. 🙂

I wanted to make this training as accessible as possible though. No £40,000+ per year or $600 - $2000 around here.

Initially I was selling this training for $499, and at this price many bought it and were happy with their purchase.

That said, in light of everything that’s happening in the world now, I wanted to lower this price.

To just $299 for a limited time (full details below).

So if you see the potential in YouTube and you want to get on the path to building a profitable channel you can continually launch to hungry fans via, now is the time to take action.

By this time next year, you could have made more progress in your music career than the last 5 years combined.

Alternatively, you can continue to move at your current pace.

The choice is yours.

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The ‘Profitable Video Musician’ training

YES, I’m ready to learn how to set up a solid Youtube channel so I can get better results faster…

Profitable Video Musician Course 3D Mock Up

$499 $299


I’ll be honest with you, I’ll be re-raising the price again in future. But I’ve taken $200 off for a limited time for selfish reasons.

You see, I want more testimonials and success stories from this course. The more I get, the more I can put on this page, and the more in turn people will join this course.

So yes, I’ve a vested interest in your success when you join, as it’ll benefit us both. 🙂

Because of this I’m keeping the discounted price for the next 100 or so members, all I ask in return is some feedback on the course two or so months after joining. I’ll send you an email and you can simply reply; even a couple of quick lines would be super helpful.

Pretty easy ‘catch’ right?

I know not everyone will end up emailing back, but I’ve faith the majority of people will and that’s all that I ask for. 🙂

And even with this discounted price I still stand by my...


7 day money back guarantee 150px

More than 2,500 students in countries all around the world have bought and loved my training. I have a good reputation for delivering life changing courses, so stand by each product I offer.

Buy the Profitable Video Musician today. Try it out for a full 7 days.

If you aren’t impressed by the ease of following the videos, or how game changing the method you learn is, simply email me within 7 days of joining letting me know. I’ll send back every cent right away.

No back and forth, no hassle.

You’ve nothing to lose, but a new set of highly profitable skills to gain.

Click the below Add To Cart button to get started now, and you could be on your way to a more rewarding, more profitable Youtube based music career.

Get Immediate access to
The ‘Profitable Video Musician’ training

YES, I’m ready to learn how to set up a solid Youtube channel so I can get better results faster…

Profitable Video Musician Course 3D Mock Up

$499 $299


Who teaches the Profitable Video Musician?

The Profitable Video Musician is taught by myself, Shaun Letang, the founder of Music Industry How To. We empower 8,000+ musicians per day.

I have multiple Youtube channels both inside & outside the music industry, each with thousands of subscribers. I cringe at some of my early videos, but they still get views, likes and profit to this day. 🙂

I’m trusted by some of the biggest companies in the music industry to advise their audience on the best path to take with their music career. You can find my teachings on ASCAP, CD Baby, American Songwriter, Bandzoogle, TuneCore, Ultimate Guitar, Disc Makers, All About Jazz, HypeBot & many, many more.

Shaun Letang - Music Business Consultant

Imagine two years from now

Your Youtube subscriber base continues to grow rapidly. Each new video you create gets push by Youtube to your loyal viewers, and you consistently get thousands of views within the first day.

Companies contact you for sponsorship deals, many willing to pay you nice sums to get in front of your audience.

It’s time to say goodbye to the day job; your bank account has proven this can work and it’s time to go all in if you haven’t already.

But only when you decide to act.

You see, many won’t take action. It won’t be intentional, it’s often procrastination. They’ll read this page in full, get excited, but put off what could be one of the best decisions of their life. “I’ll have a think about it and come back later.”

But later never comes. Months or years pass, and they’re in the same position they were before. Still launching videos and begging their Whatsapp friends to watch. Still spending time and money on making videos, but not getting any money back.

It doesn’t need to be like that though, you’ve the chance to do things differently. The Profitable Video Musician training is your blueprint to a more profitable, more fulfilling Youtube based music career. But it’s down to you to take the first step.

The choice is yours.

Scroll below and click the button to get started now.

Get Immediate access to
The ‘Profitable Video Musician’ training

YES, I’m ready to learn how to set up a solid Youtube channel so I can get better results faster…

Profitable Video Musician Course 3D Mock Up

$499 $299

Yours truly,

Shaun Letang.
Founder, Music Industry How To.

P.S. You’re getting a proven plan to building a Youtube based music career at a greatly reduced rate. But remember - at around 100 new members the price goes back up.

Professor John Funk Profitable Video Musician Testimonial pic

It gave me a completely different perspective than just putting music out there and hoping people watch what I was putting out. It’s definitely change how I’m going to use Youtube.

John, bass playing jazz funk musician.
653 subscribers and counting.
Profitable Video Musician member.

Get Immediate access to
The ‘Profitable Video Musician’ training

YES, I’m ready to learn how to set up a solid Youtube channel so I can get better results faster…

Profitable Video Musician Course 3D Mock Up

$499 $299


Q: I can’t currently leave my house to record these videos. Can this course still work for me?

A: It can! The whole process of recording can be done by yourself from home if you want, and you can either edit these videos yourself or hire someone online to do that for you (you never even have to meet them in person; that’s how I make my videos).

Q: How Do I Know The Pro Musician Transformation Course Is Right For Me? Am I Too Old, Too Young, In The Wrong Genre, Live In The Wrong Country, Or Have The Wrong Talent?

A: Whether you’re a singer, rapper, instrumentalist (guitarist, drummer, pianist etc), songwriter, producer or other type of musician, this course is suitable for you.

This training also works no matter the genre of music you make.

It doesn’t matter if you’re over 65, under 18 (though you should let your parents know), or anywhere in-between. Youtube has allowed musicians of all ages and from all countries to thrive in a way which wouldn’t have been possible even 10 years ago. As long as you have an internet connection and a basic level of comfort on your computer (which you finding your way here and reading this shows you likely do) this can work for you.

Q: I Don’t Know How To Make Videos; I Don’t Have Experience With A Camcorder Or Video Editing Software. Can I Still Do This Course?

A: Yes you can; both of these skills can be learned. While we touch on some of the above in the course, we also point you to an external but extensive resource that will teach you all you need to know. You can pick those up for around $30 in total.

Q: What’s Stopping Me From Jumping On Youtube And Trying To Make Money From It Myself Without The Course?

A: Nothing. But remember, the reason the Profitable Video Musician course exists is because most musicians are doing YouTube wrong. They upload the same videos as everyone else and often see slow and inconsistent progress. Instead what needs to be done is give the YouTube viewers what they want, in the way they want, when they want.

You could have great music, but unless you present that music to Youtubers specifically in the way they want it to be presented, you’re going to get a lot less success and revenue than you would if you release your music using the strategies shared in this course.

While you could spend the next few years experimenting with what videos to make and how to get them seen, the time saving option would be to get a proven plan showing you the steps needed.

Q: How Long Will It Take To Start Seeing Money From My Youtube Channel And Music?

A: That really depends on a number of things. If you already have an established channel that is getting views but not making any money, it could be possible to implement some of the strategies we mention and start earning more from your YouTube channel right away. If however your Youtube channel is new or still very small, while it may be possible to start earning some money from it within the first few of months, it may take longer for you to set things up and do enough to have you start profiting.

It really depends on the speed of which you implement the lessons learnt, how good your videos are and how well people take to them.

So while that answer is broad, depending on your situation you could start making some money as soon as you implement just a few of the lessons. Or on the other end it could be months or longer before you earn any income at all (if you’re slower with set up and implementing what we teach).

Even if it takes longer, remember, you will have still given yourself a really good platform to earn from in future. In the theory, even if it took you a year or more to build up to $500 a month using these strategies, the following year you will have made $6,000 from your music ($500 x 12 months). Potentially more, as you could continue growing and earning more as time goes on.

If however you either don't follow the system consistently or don't give music fans the type of content they want, it'll be unlikely you make money from this course. We give you a good blueprint that gives you a MUCH better chance of succeeding in music than using traditional methods. But if you want to see results from it you need to put the work in and apply what I teach.

Q: What If I Buy The Course But I Don’t Think It Can Help Me?

A: If you buy the course and for some reason feel you don’t want to keep it any more, simply email me within seven (7) days of your purchase and I will send you a full refund. Refunds aren’t given after the first seven days as this is a digital product. But as long as you email us within seven days of your purchase you will get a full refund.

Q: Where Are These Lessons Held? Do I Have To Travel At All?

A: No, there’s no travel involved. As these lessons are online, you can watch them from the comfort of your own home on your computer, smart phone or tablet (as long as you have an internet connection).

Q: I Don’t Have Any Professional Recording Equipment. Will This Course Not Be Right For Me?

A: You don’t need any expensive recording equipment. As long as you have a smart phone which you can record on you can get started. There’s also free video editing equipment on the market which you can get started with which we show you about in the course.

Once you’re ready, you can always gradually upgrade your equipment in future.

Q: How Long Do I Have To Go Through The Course? I Don’t Want To Fall Behind.

A: As you’ll get lifetime access to the Profitable Video Musician course, you can go through the videos at your own pace. Whether that's within the first few weeks, or even a year or more down the line; whatever works best for you.

Q: If I Take The Profitable Video Musician Course, Am I Guaranteed To Make A Lot Of Money On Youtube?

A: No. While the course does give a proven plan and the steps needed to profit from YouTube and your music career, it would be impossible for me to guarantee the results that you will personally see.

The results you get will be based on a lot of things. How talented you are, how much work you put in, how closely you follow the given instructions, the YouTube platform and how it evolves, luck and more.

I’m confident that the Profitable Video Musician course is a good blueprint and is essential for anyone that wants to give themselves the best chance of a profitable video based music career. I’m also very confident that many will start earning their first profit directly from the strategies taught in this course. That said, I’m not a mind reader or a worker of magic, so no results can be guaranteed.

Q: This Course Sounds Interesting And I Want To Go On Camera, But I’m Camera Shy.

A: Being camera shy is something most people face initially. That said, this is something that can be overcome. What I advise is that you start small with your videos, keep going and you will naturally become more comfortable over time. There are tricks to overcome camera nerves, some of which we look at inside this course. You don’t even have to release the early videos you record if you don’t want to, the main thing is that you practice enough that it becomes easier over time. 🙂

Q: Once I Join Your Course What Happens Next?

A: Once you make your payment and fill in your details, we’ll send you an email with a receipt for your purchase. You’ll also be sent login details which you can use to log into your own personal user account on our website. In here you can instantly start watching the first module, and start learning the steps that are needed to have a successful music career on YouTube. New modules will be released each week for 8 weeks.

Q: Doing Well On Youtube, Is That Something I Can Achieve? Why Would Anyone Watch Me?

A: If you can give people something they want to watch, then yes, you can do well on Youtube. You’re a musician or you work in the music industry. You already entertain people. If people like your music, then they will enjoy watching you on Youtube even more!! Fans love to get more of a insight into their favorite musician’s lives and Youtube is the best way to do that. Musicians that embrace this have a much better chance of being successful.

Q: If It Was Possible To Earn A Full-Time Income From Your Music And Youtube, Wouldn’t Everybody Be Doing It?

A: No. Most musicians don’t know how to correctly use YouTube to earn income. Instead, understandably, they do what is commonly taught. A few musicians have gone against the grain though and figured out what really makes money with YouTube. These musicians are doing very well because of it, and so could you.

Think about it like this: It's possible to lose weight or stop smoking. But just because it's possible, that doesn't mean everyone's going to do it. It is possible to earn a full-time income from your music, you just have to decide if you want it enough to work for it.